Ohh, how wrong you are.
Ohh, how wrong you are.
That, good sir, is from the Porsche playbook
Badging, in general, has gotten way out of hand. Bigger and bigger to the point of obnoxious. For example, the oversized Toyota grill badges look ridiculous as do the giant pointed star MB grill badges. I noticed the H badge on my Honda is twice the size of the last generation. Just make it stop. Make it stop now.
In 5-10 years not only will the tailgate still be screaming FORD, it'll be a hideous faded gray color.
He ran over a cigarette on the road.
i love how you spend the whole first half of your post calling this thing dangerous, and then the whole second half suggesting riding a bike instead....
It doesn't need to "tilt" or lean... The T-Rex doesn't, nor the Sling Shot, nor the Morgan.
Looked like he ran over a cigarette.
Did anyone else notice that spark that came off the front wheel at 1:40?
Because a used bike in a torrential rain storm sucks to high hell on your way to work.
Chevy Impedance - Small three-wheeler for parking enforcement
Everyone knows this should be the Buick Electra.
Nobody is going to mention the exterior wheels too though? Those are just as bad.
I know popular opinion here is that he should be drawn and quartered, but seriously, the normal speed video just looks 'quick', not dangerously fast. He was conscious of other traffic and as far as I could tell, no more dangerous than your average NYC cab driver. Worth a fine, absolutely. But not at all worth jail…
Guess it depends on the person too. What will they typically be hauling? A good part of my heat in the winter comes from a wood stove and I scrounge and split all my own wood, you can't fit much in a short bed. If I found a cord of wood I needed to drive 20 minutes for, I don't want to make 4-5 trips in a short bed…