
Usually about the time they flash the gun.

Yes we all know if nobody brings a gun to a transaction the odds are dramatically higher someone will get shot. It's just simple math.

Now playing

So basically the drive-in scene from Heat. Wait how did that end?

Isn’t it weird that we outlaw the stuff that takes the most skill to use but provides the least amount of profit? I always thought it was silly as a ten year old kid that my Dad could have forty guns, but when I cut a broom stick up and used two eyebolts and a rope to make nunchucks... I was breaking the law. Also

Looks Samba-esque to me.

It’s also weird just how we use “street racing” as some sort of touch stone vilification term. When does it officially become a street race? When two cars or more are driving faster then the posted limit? What if two cars accelerate to the posted speed limit rapidly? What about when one cars is just driving fast and

30 hours? Did you play it on easy?

Yes. No. Playing as a rogue and the stealth part is kind of a waste. I forgot how bad the old games treated stealth. It auto takes you out a lot of key fights too so the bad guys can monologue.

Does it have one of the the bad transmission housing #s?

If she was a black man I'd wager nobody would have even batted an eyelash. It definitely wouldn't be posted on Jezebel. He would have a much harder time finding a decent lawyer to sue. He definitely would have a much lower chance at winning or settling said lawsuit and you can bet it would have been for much less.

Finland knows how to treat a wounded animal.

That is for after the first blown head gasket!

4th gen looks so much better to my eye.

How much faster do you have to be going then the car on your right to be considered passing?

I agree. The pickup matching speeds was a total dick move. At that point not only is he screwing with the Camaro but everyone else behind him who just wants to get where they are going without the drama.

Not that it is an issue any more with the drought, but at least NorCal drivers don’t freak out when it rains. The first time you are driving in a good rain in SoCal you will question the reality of what you are seeing.

Friends don’t let friends shoot exclusively in portrait mode. There should be a second button you have to press to do this like emptying out the recycle bin on your computer. “Are you sure you wish to continue shooting in portrait mode? Yes. No.”

You can bet the pickup truck driver loves him some freedom, just hates douchebags more bro!

It’s a two lane the truck and the car in front are clearly passing the 18 wheeler. They just aren’t passing fast enough to satisfy the asshat in the Camaro who would have forced the pickup to hit his brakes either way. You use a three lane example in your drawing which is misleading for the kinda of stuff I see