
"For the entry fee of $99,900, you could roll up to the club/party/Wendy's drive-thru in styleexceeded only by employees of logistics companies."

Because nothing says terrorist like a guy with a sense of humor.

You change this law the same way you get anything done in Congress. You throw money at it. Lot's of money. More money then the next guy is willing to throw to oppose it. Otherwise you must content yourself to the cheap seats next to the poorly funded non-profits who only want to make the world a better place.

Haters gonna hate. It's odd that many women pigeon hole guys right off the bat for something as trivial as a hat. I've worn a lot of hats in my day for a lot of reasons: to keep the rain off, because my hair was a mess after taking off my helmet, because the top of my ears burn like potato chips in the sun, because a

Let us never speak of that again.

im in if you can get it for $500

Or how about a Georgia O'Qweef?

Well after over a decade in EMS I make less then many fast food workers despite thousands of hours of training and the constant recertifications required. That's how poor I have to be to give a fuck about $18 bucks. Your taking home over three times what I am and we are living off about the same each month. Except you

So twenty minutes x 555 or so people= 185 hours of wasted time because some one tenth of one percent-er couldn't take steps to correct improper service without screwing everyone else over. Strong work! Give yourself an even bigger bonus this year and "let them eat cake." (So long as they can do it in a properly

I have tons of these stories, as every server and bartender surely must after a few years in the business. Here is one that isn't the weirdest, the most interesting or comical. It just sticks out in my head as a how always being catered to can just mess up your brain.

Here is a proper a RWD rear mid-engined two seat Honda with a engine swap to check off the unique box of your list.

Seriously. Lower gas prices mean I get to be grateful I get to live a tiny bit healthier. Lower gas prices mean a lot of people just scraping by while working over 40 hours a week can live just a teeny little bit better. (An we will freaking take it!)

Just 1 of 81 1993 Celica All-Tracs brought to the States to meet homologation rules. Even rarer was the Carlos Sainz edtion of which we got none.

In the late 90's I think there were ten or so in Humboldt Co. There are at least four here in Sacramento now. We also have a couple local Rally Fighters I see now and then.

Beat this for Blue square footage!

Is it covered entirely in leather?

How does the rear door even work on that concept? I bet they couldn't pull off the curveswithout massive cost increase. When I was growing up in Flint we used to see all kinds of futuristic concept cars at the museums, auto shows and of course Auto World. All of these concepts had beautiful round curves that never

does it work on xbox1?