
Came here to say that and...

Then your engine braking right?

After all if corporations can do it with badge engineering...why get all up in Joe Blow's face about it. Makes me smirk when I spot them. Hell a small part of me thinks that if I was obscenely rich I might buy a GT-R and put a little custom metal godzilla badge on it. In the sort of Celica dragon style.

I find it amusing. To each his own I say.

I had a similar experience on my last play through on classic and I didn't take the shot. I chose to shoot the ethereal at a much lower percentage and whiffed. That set a horrible string of events in motion that ended the world.


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Sweet like the helicopter cutter on the cheap.

Yeah, that's my dream bike. I can afford a decent 2002-2008 one, but no garage and really poor health insurance. Although the ones I see for sale now are no longer the 3,500 dollar and 4k miles variety. They are the 4,500 dollar 35k miles variety. Do you have ABS on yours? Any thoughts on that one way or the other?

I'll take a single sided swing arm every time.

Wow. I was thinking that was the first ford I'd been considering purchasing in twenty years. Thank you for ridding me of that desire.

it does involve a fruit as a foreign object, but the only orifice violated was likely the auditory canal.

I think a new RWD Dime would be a hell of a seller. It's a far more practical car configuration then the two seater Z. It could be offered in a few different trim levels one low power high mpg version, one sporty version with a 240 hp 6 speed and one track monster version with a turbo. People would by the cheaper

circles for the GT-R and straight lines for the dime.

This one?

Now playing

Thanks. I'd never seen that but it certainly looks a bit sketchy.

salt water from kayak surfing put a hole under the topper windows. The decals were faded fierce