
Okay now for the win tells us what the boat is?

This looks like someone lost the worst kind of bet.

How about just a single turn?

How do people stupid enough to do this make the kind of money that allows them to buy a new AMG and a John Deere?

Since the day you could afford a new AMG and a John Deere.

Lawyers. It will help lawyers... buy ski condos and boats. That and people in the photo copy and legal paper storage game.

When you buy these cars don't you have to pay tax and registration? smog and insurance?

looks like the frame didn't even make it all the way back on either.

That tow truck driver sounds like a piece of work. Time to roll with a come-along and some tow rope next to the spare? Well at least I guess it's all tax deductible since you wrote about it.

beautiful interior, decent looking engine bay and overall looks professional. Just take a sawzall to the nose and glass it back to stock. Repaint then profit.

beautiful interior, decent looking engine bay and overall looks professional. Just take a sawzall to the nose and glass it back to stock. Repaint then profit.

America we invented the word "Mustang"