
Oh God, no one is forcing you to watch it.

What is an “Asarian”?

A Doll’s House 2. We aren’t actually going to see an Ibsen play. It was written by the same guy who wrote The Christians, which we saw at Playwright’s Horizon in August ‘15.

I don’t understand all the hate Andromeda is getting. Yeah, the faces are a little dead at times and the running animation in non-combat settings is a little wonky. But I’m like 50 hours in and I’m having a lot of fun. Still getting used to the new, more mobile, combat system. But I’m having fun.

I have a good idea, take all the fun out of the game and try to make it as frustrating as possible.

Oh, Walking Dead season 2. Yeah. I’ll take that.

So, never then?

There are 11, of age men, who know the rules of Soccer, in San Marino?

Games find something to bitch about. Film at 11.

Yes. Next question.

Yeah, well I’m pretty sure spending 5 hours with you would be pretty overwhelming too. /snark

Drew is smarter than gifs from his appearance on food television would lead you to believe.

Anchor Tank as a phrase is incredibly annoying.

Dude is STILL obsessed with Ciara. Fuck him and his bitchassness

I’ve owned an XBox One for a month and so far have only used it to play Mass Effect games. I think I’m going to finally give Battlefield 1 (which came with it) a try. Even though I SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH at FPS.

Like the many doggos in these pictures this is a good post.

Steve Bannon look like he was bitten by a radioactive slob.

I’ve been replaying the Mass Effect games on my new XB1 and I’m in the latter stages of ME2 right now. So that.

If only he’d considered walking away from that rape.

I mean, people like us are known for being drama queens.