Stuart Scott was the wrong ESPN employing with the initials SS to die. It should have been you Stephen. It should have been you.
Stuart Scott was the wrong ESPN employing with the initials SS to die. It should have been you Stephen. It should have been you.
People from Long Island are terrible people? I never would have guessed all those greased up Guidos and spoiled JAPs would have no sense of decorum or decency.
Maybe Potbelly?
MeUndies sizes suck (XXXL is 38-40???) and cost so damn much.
MeUndies sizes suck (XXXL is 38-40???) and cost so damn much.
I mentioned Papi when they were first taking suggestions. c’est la vie
I mentioned Papi when they were first taking suggestions. c’est la vie
Fuck off you raging twatwaffle. No one cares about your bullshit crusade. Get fucked by a cactus, the lot of you.
Enough to keep even the largest fictional giant in a permanent chill state.
The NCAA's statement amounts to nothing more than a "we'll look into it." Pretty pathetic in my opinion.
Being a bigoted piece of shit Christian is a choice. Being gay is not.
I may be gay, but at least I'm not a Met.
That's a pretty good Rosetta Stone deal. I'd consider it, but I got ITalian 1-4 from Groupon for 179 a couple weeks ago.
It should be legal to murder concern trolls.
That's also one of my favorite Childish Gambino songs. So we have that in common.
Anything less than a Gold Cup title will be a failure of 2015.
It means you caught your ass hair on fire while trying to light a fart you awful garbage monster.
Don Garber has stated pretty unequivocally that there will be no Free Agency.
It's "I wish I knew how to quit you."
So, when he's eventually fired will the headline read "Bowles Movement"?