
An undrafted kicker telling his weasel coach to go for it on fourth down is the plot line of Gregggg Easterbrook's next novel: For Whom the Football Gods Chortled

From Charlotte as well and there is some truth to that, at least anecdotal. All the kickers at my high school were also great soccer players (we had one go to the NFL), it's not so much kids that couldn't cut it, but good soccer players who realize their value is much greater pursuing football.

Virgin America Employee: "Ticket holders in rows 1 through 9 may now begin boarding the Jumbo Jet in a single-file line."

You're right, it is a Nigerian name. But when he and his family were getting their citizenship in Greece, they had to change their last name to fit with Greek spelling. Thus a name that is pronounced An-de-to-kumbo had to be spelled Αντετοκούνμπο. When that gets transliterated into English, you get Antetokounmbo.

To scum, name of Beck,

This is political correctness run amok. Sure, Redskins is a racially charged name that attempts to smooth over centuries of American genocide, but people like Dan Snyder himself are constantly offended every day when, on store shelves, they're brought face to face with products like Keebler Complete Fucking Assholes.

Powerful enough to negotiate a merger from beyond the grave? YOU BET!

I know the Robert Evans feature is as old as the Jamboroo, but it's just so goddamn fantastic. Never change, Drew. File this comment in the "fawning suck-up" drawer. Also, I was wondering if this feature was originally inspired by the Evans interview Homer was watching on TV in an old Simpsons. "See, it's just

"Anything to get back at Ireland is a good thing."

MARSHALL: Okay, fellas, welcome to the first NFL Feels meeting. Today we're going to talk about the pain and the pressure that we go through, both on and off the field. Remember, just be honest and we'll talk it through. Who wants to go first? Go ahead, Richie.

You can't leave that heat up, Felix. That's where you're going to get yourself into trouble.

Have Carlos & Maria Jacqueline Peguero been accounted for yet?

Though Incognito may have his faults, let us not doubt his love for James Michael Pouncey. Verily, the love for his bro Michael runs deep into the fire at the heart of Mt. Incognito, where words cannot survive in the molten fire of bro-tonic love as it erupts from his yaw and jacks the arms. Richard must pace the

"HA! I knew those Cardinals were all full of hot air!"

"To tell the truth, I'm not excited to go to Cleveland, but we have to. If I ever saw myself saying I'm excited going to Cleveland, I'd punch myself in the face, because I'm lying."

I can't wait to see some of the rifles at this year's NFL Columbine

Talk about a Chyron fail. That should say, "BP: 2700."

"that deal with regular people getting screwed over."

Hmmm.... what do those two states have in common????

Two degrees is cool, but it kind of sucks that you get paid in fruit.