
How are you gonna keep 'em on the farm once they've seen Vin Scully?


Yes. Thank you. People are always telling me, "Let FJM go, Champ," and I'm like, "&@*# my dick, it still rules!"

Komen's definitely shady, but Oregon's not sending any money to Komen. This pinkening is for the Kay Yow Cancer Fund, which is different. I hope it's better. The fact that it can be found at, rather than .org, gives me pause.

Yeah, I agree that these guys are scrambling to take it all back — but they don't need OSU administrators to tell them to scramble. Clearly, the former players don't want to be associated with or quoted in this article and now wish they hadn't said anything.

Yeah, I used balsamic because it's the only vinegar I had. I couldn't see what the hell was going on in there! Tasted okay though.

And I thought Altidore was the one who's "vaguely unstoppable!"

You know the Marlins actually did fire him for acting this way, right? Should the Miami front office "grow the fuck up" too? Because it sounds to me that a bunch of baseball guys decided Tino was being an asshole, even after factoring in the time-honored Coaches-Gotta-Yell-Sometimes Sliding Scale of Assholery that

Ooh, you're on the threshold of an entire icy subculture. That's "pebble ice," I believe. I've seen it at Taco Time & Sonic, but clearly you are a fellow of refined taste when it comes to frozen water, and should not have to rely on fast food outlets to meet your needs.

Awesome. So good. Who do I pay?

Seems airtight to me!

Yeah, that's great. No such thing as "Cleveland-proof," Francona.

Ha! Stealthy.

Please, please, please keep the Robert Evans MVP Watch next season. He's glorious. He is a Glory-MAN.