
Laughed. Then cried. Then laughed some more.

Not to mention the disjointed copy/paste language about the armament. Uninformed regurgitation of out of context sensationalist bits from other sources is not the way to continue Foxtrot Alpha.

I love Dirt Rally more than any other game in the past 10 years. The thing is, there are ZERO options for realistic rally sims other than Dirt Rally or the 15 year old Richard Burns Rally. Dirt Rally was immensely popular for going back to the series roots and I hope they don’t immediately split or abandon their fan

Threw up in my mouth a little.

They certainly found the only tune they can play, with the current state of their platforms and fiscal situation. Good for them. I just hope they use the profits on things wiser than a Dodge Caliber II program.

Average Demon owner weight @ 35 years old.

The average age of a toolmaker in every shop I’ve ever worked at, since 2007, is well over 50. Competent setup guys/programmers are worth their weight in gold. It is good to see that this sector is growing again, but it will take a LONG time to recover, if it ever fully does.

These twitter video embeds are absolute garbage. They work half the time, after forcing you to stare at a spinning ring for longer than it takes for me to search for the video and start it on Youtube in a separate tab.

Perspective is important. It’s also a big word and it takes a lot of effort to employ it correctly. A star for you, for putting in the effort.

I work in the precision manufacturing/aerospace industry. I was one of the last grades to go through middle school shop class ~15 years ago, and one of the last grades to have a choice of high school shop class (didn’t take it). I saw a lot of work sent abroad. Now it’s swinging the opposite way. The ‘missing

Guy survives two atomic bombs, but asterisk next to travel plans renders his story unusable for good anecdote.

Thank you for the explanation. The nomenclature of these latest software/hardware rollouts are very difficult to understand for those that loosely follow.

....that new Teslas receiving the update won’t be equipped with the same safety features that older vehicles have, like automatic emergency breaking.

2013 was the facelift year.

Only 104,000 vehicles to fix? This has to be the first time in the history of FCA that a party is thrown for poor sales, other than when they killed off the Caliber and no one in the company had to touch one anymore.

And Dynacorn fit and finish is probably shit compared to what this guy builds panel gaps to. Entire companies are devoted to die-making. I agree with Mr. Ward- why dabble in something he is not an expert in?

Lime Rock Green is far and away the best looking color on the C7.

Or China figures now is a good time to push the boundaries on what they can get away with, under the guise of “We TOLD you if you didn’t do what we wanted, we would do bad stuff.” Not a fan of Trump or his policies, but China is going to use every excuse to push us, and when there are no excuses, they’ll manufacture

Amazing plot. Just...amazing

Pretty awful of you assuming he is racist. People like you make me sick. You are everything that is wrong with the world. Stop the hate.