Please do not quit your day job.
Please do not quit your day job.
I learned the very hard way that a cheap 951 is the most expensive 951 you could ever own.
.030" thick tubing doesn’t weigh much, and if it means you can lower the center of gravity another 3" because you’re not fitting pipes underneath...yeah, worth it.
Movement does not equal function. He’s a paraplegic at this point, yes.
If I remember correctly, you’re renting? Man, your landlords have a lot more patience than I would ever have.
“After 10 years of production, someone finally happened to walk by the assembly line and saw what we were putting on these things,” says chief designer Will.I.Am. “I think it really came as a shock to everyone, knowing people were paying money for this.”
It is most certainly not 3D printed. Where she got that from, heaven knows. I guess it’s a hip thing to say about rare plastic stuff these days.
Actually, it is still an issue as port injection is not used 100% of the time as in a port-injection-only car. It DOES eliminate most of the carbon buildup issues. I’ve done carbon cleanings on cars with both.
These engines, like every other engine, have crankcase scavenging. This kind of buildup is common and is somewhat alleviated by the port injection that comes into play at different times.
I happily pay for the le mans stream every year. This sucks.
Didn’t mean to have come off as entitled. I haven’t had cable for 7 years. I happily pay for the official stream every year, even if it has been laggy/poor quality in the past. This seems like a massive step backwards.
Motortrend TV will only have live in car with no commentary.
Thank you- I will look into that!
Commenting because I would like to know too. WEC stripped the option to buy the stream on their site if they see you’re in the US, but I would like to know if using a VPN and a US billing address will allow me to get around this.
And this comes from Motor Trend, one of the more ‘internet-savvy’ companies. The lesson they learned with Roadkill was that people gravitated towards online content and would pay for online access to it. BETTER TOSS OUT THAT LESSON FOR THE BIGGEST RACE OF THE YEAR. CABLE PACKAGE ONLY- GOTTA CAPTURE THAT ENTIRE 50-80…
This is unreal. I live in the US. I don’t have cable. The year is 2018, and I cannot watch the official feed with commentary online without resorting to VPN or piracy. What a clusterfuck. AGAIN.
Here’s praying they don’t go CGI for the dogfight scenes. Top Gun gave us some nice flight footage.
“We have-a these short circuits, they common but they do not usually affect the driving with the pedals and the speed and the shifting. But now we find is a problem, so Marco, he fix-a you up by taking the cruise stalk off”
That’s because no one talks about made up numbers and made up failures
It’s rumored that before he was fired, they threw fridge alphabet number and letter pieces at him for hours and made him rearrange them into meaningful sentences