
Ah, but you forget... the Challenger and the ‘Cuda were the heavy-hitting twisty track weapons of their day! See the Challenger T/A and the AAR ‘Cuda. Designed from the start to fit the large engines that the Dart and others did not (*well, not comfortably) (**K-member is the same whether you have a 318 or a 440),

The Pompeii of comment burns.

As the owner of a ‘72 Challenger, I wanted to like it. Badly. And I did at first. But I also track my cars and the fact that it’s pretty doesn’t help it get around corners. :(

The Hellcat was a brilliant way to grab headlines and increase sales with the most minimal investment. Let’s examine- here we have a car that has been on sale since 2008 with basically zero external changes except for headlights and taillights, made by a company who is incredibly strapped for cash and debatably

Rotating department leads halfway through important projects? That will never delay anything. Or endanger a focused vision. Or do anything negative at all.

And the Iowa was manned by thousands of sailors and cost more than anything in the fleet short of a carrier to keep in the water.

I backed Star Citizen in early 2013. I gave up on their releases of Arena Commander early on because it was really bad- early access version of early access. Felt the same way- like “holy crap this is a tech demo and it’s a bad one with clearly conflicting styles and poor UI”. I fired it up again for the Alpha 2.0

I don’t really think this is comparable. And I love Elite. But it’s a lot easier to do what Elite did. They don’t have the budget or the engine base that Star Citizen has. Just a fact- experience will be different.

Here’s a thought. Battleship-like armor combined with extreme speed, agility, a lot of guns, and a shallow draft is like sending Santa a Christmas list that starts with a Cadillac and ends with the moon

The danger is...if the rear gear ‘hooked’ on anything at ALL, as soon as they tried to lift off again, it would have pivoted the aircraft around the part where they were hooked, and they would have been inverted and in the sea before they could drop power again. It would have been totally uncontrollable.

No, the timing belt... Have you ever done a timing belt job in one of these?

Fun fact: 7650 is also the length of the 928 timing belt, in inches.

Props to you! I can’t imagine how much enjoyment 15,000 miles a year in a Viper must be!

I bet it would have made it a lot harder to adapt the heads and other components and deal with reconfiguring drains/wall thicknesses/other shit that gets pushed to each end of the heads/block on a typical LS

If you’ve read plenty, then you would know why it IS our entry point into WWII. Lend/Lease and volunteers do not a nation at war make.

By the time this hits driveways, today’s vehicles with 40+ mpg will be flooding the used car market. A quick glance at craigslist tells me that I have more options than I can handle for $6800 or less.

The culprit is the DUMB decision on most newer cars to keep the dash lights on all the time. This becomes even more unavoidable when you have any sort of screen that always has to be lit, too. For most drivers, dash lights off is the cue they use to realize their lights are off too. 95% of the cars I see driving with


It’s funny how you, too, seem to think you speak for other people, while totally missing the irony in your statement.

Concealed carry permits are necessary in some states to transport pistols. There is no other type of permit. So, yes- you NEED this permit if you are going to legally get your weapon to and from the range. No Applebees involved.