
Your grandma’s awesomeness transcends even death

That is wonderful. She reached out to you when you needed her. I’m so glad you are in a good place now.

That made me cry. I’m so glad you’re doing good now.

Gave me goosebumps. That’s a beautiful story and I am so glad you’re still here and life is good!

That Camera Obscura story :( Good lord. I’m so glad she trusted her gut and got away safely.

oh!! I have a good ghost story. Should have posted this one instead of what I did post but w/e.

I have never thought of this as sleep paralysis but I have a 6-month-old baby, and I would frequently wake up in the night, panicked demanding, “where’s the baby?” because I was convinced she was in our bed and would suffocate to which my husband, would calmly and sleepily reply, “sleeping in her bed” which was a

You need to get one of those melometers (not the right name) that measures the energy attached to objects...I watch a few ghost shows. If one or more of your items has energy attached to it (the meter should read zero on all), you have friends in your home that you are unaware of.

A few summers ago my brother and his family had a similar close brush with death. I’ve never been, but it’s a place called Banana Bend on the banks of the San Jacinto River near Houston, TX, that is notoriously known for being the site of several drownings.

Uh, one or more of those items might be haunted. After what you went through, why on earth would you want to collect that kind of stuff????

This one needs to be higher up. Not scary, but the dedication to the job—the damn ghost finished the job!!!—is astounding.

My boyfriend and I have been talking about how we couldn’t wait for this post for a month. (I’m a commenter and he’s a reader.) I shared with him my fairly solid (but comparatively lackluster) ghost story, and he countered with “well I was essentially exorcised as a child.” (CHILD ABUSE)

This story just makes me happy. I know several facilities guys, gruff but lovable Ron Swanson types, who would also feel the need to finish their last job before they could move on to the next world.

Tried posting this one a few years ago, but was too late. Not a ghost story, but it’s one of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me.

Read this on the way home and enjoyed the mild creeping. Picked up my preschooler, did the normal dinner and bed routine, looking forward to reading the comments. As I kissed my sweet child good night she said to me, “Mommy, can I get another animal in the middle of the night instead of [bunny she’s slept with since

Yes yes yes yes!! My favorite annual thing on jez. I have to say, the ghost truck and the lights at Grandma’s in the holler, I think, was THE scariest story!!

I have to claim PTSD on this one, I never actually realized what happened until years later. I was 17, pregnant, going to school full time and working two jobs. I took the city bus every day from my community college to first job, around 12 every day. My bus driver was adorable-definitely a Grandpa-type, friendliest

A bakery I worked at had just gotten a new client, and to keep up with demand we’d had to add an overnight shift to prep stuff for the early shifts when they came in. As the manager, I worked the first few weeks of the shift myself (alone) so that I could train whoever we hired later to do it.

Ohh I remember something from my child hood as well that I’ve never forgotten.