
i was ambivilent towards ruby, but candice’s pouts make me so irrationally angry.

OH MAN I hadn’t put two and two together til now but now I have an even creepier coda!! My dad spent the night with us a while back and I woke up in the middle of the night to whimpering that turned into full on sobbing coming from the guest room. The door was closed, and I didn’t want to disturb him. I asked him

This kind of brought tears to my eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’m leaving.” OH OK GUESS I WON’T FREAK OUT IN THAT CASE. :|

See, the terrifying part of this story to me is the thought that you could be in a place for 3 years before any ghost activity starting. One of my biggest fears is buying a house that turns out to be haunted. The idea that you could be nicely settled in for years before anything happening is almost too much.

If I ever have ghosts, I would like them to be as considerate as this ghost gentleman.

This happened to a friend of a friend earlier this summer (as told by my friend). I’ll call her friend Jane. Jane is a nurse who works a specific shift at a local hospital and keeps a really consistent schedule. She gets up at 5am, takes a shower, and then heads off to work. Jane lives in a bungalow a block away

When this happened, I was living in a small house with my boyfriend (now my husband) and our two cats. I was especially close with our male cat, my baby. My boyfriend always joked that he followed me around like a little dog. He was always happy to see me, always wanted to cuddle me, and would even lick my hair when

you. should. have. killed. it. with. fire.

I would have burned that shit.

I’d heard mumblings growing up of a strange incident involving my family and a famous murder, but my grandma refused to discuss it and I knew better than to ask around. After my great-aunt died and left behind 200 pages of memoirs, I finally got the full story.

I might be a little late considering the 804 comments ahead of me but...

I was napping in our guest room one Monday morning when I woke up to hearing someone running up and down the stairs, and the swishing of track pants. ‘Give me five minutes Daniel,’ I said, assuming it was my son. Then I sat up with a start - it was Monday. My son was in school. The footsteps and swishing continued. I

At least he seemed apologetic for freaking her out!

Poor man. He must have been so lonely.

My father grew up in Florida. His mother died when he was a teenager of lung cancer and in the fullness of time his father was remarried to the woman I would know as my grandmother.

She entered the marriage with a house that had been passed down to her in the middle of an old-growth orange grove. It was a classic old

When my father’s mother was alive I’d never heard her speak. She had a stroke in the late 70's before I was born, shortly after my grandfather died. My dad’s from a small town in Southern Virginia, right near the border of North Carolina. We used to call her Grandma Bea. To this day I’m not sure if she knew if me or

We had a friend of the family named Ruth, who had been a college friend of my grandmother and very close to our family. She wasn’t married and didn’t have kids, but she was an infinitely sweet and generous woman who was a very dear auntie to all of us. Ruth also had an amazing house: a sprawling stone house with Tudor

There goes my day.

Gonna share some fun ones from my childhood home.