Isis, just stop. You had me at Nutella.
Isis, just stop. You had me at Nutella.
I took a solid 11 years of fits and starts to get my bachelor's degree. Congratulations on your last semester!
I created an account JUST to reply to this.
It took me 7 years to get my BA- no shame! Congrats on it being your last semester!
I am also completing my education at a glacial pace. I should have said I would not get married until I had my degree. Things would be... better.
If that's the case, do it at the end of the visit, not the beginning. That's a hell of a lot of pressure to put on someone who is depending on you for a place to stay.
Maybe just kiss her first and see how THAT goes before moving on to proposals?
if she won't be your girlfriend why would she be your wife?
Perhaps what you might ask instead is if she WOULD marry you, rather than WILL, if that makes sense. Tell her what you just put in your comment and then say, "would you marry me?" as like a hypothetical. Might save both your feelings if she doesn't answer in the affirmative.
Just completely unsolicited advice from an internet stranger, it's probably a really bad idea to propose to someone you're not even dating. Why not just ask her to be in a relationship instead? Personally, I would be kinda weirded out if a close friend asked me to marry him if we weren't actually together. But I…
This sounds like an absolutely terrible idea. Do tell.
The scene: Horrible abusive relationship. The inevitable morning after the all too familiar horrific night before. I am packing my bags. Unfortunately not for the first time, and not for the last.
Ugh. What's up with your sister?
I came back from the doctor and said I probably couldn't get pregnant without a lot of help - help I've decided I didn't want. He hugged me, said it was OK, and asked me to marry him. Right there, in the hallway, with a litter box not 2 feet away. I said no.
We dated (or not, based on his "we're just really good friends" explanation to coworkers and friends) for five years - with a few short breaks wherein he dated on other woman and my sister(!). He asked my to marry him right before he was to move away to take a new job. I realized I would end up miserable or in jail…
I did the same thing! We had talked about it and I was like "oh, when I'm done...". Thankfully my now husband hung on for 4 years of me working on BA (mind you I'd already been at it for 4) before I realized it was what i wanter and i was like "ok well marrying you is one thing I can check off the to do list..."
My rejection was pretty uneventful. I think I was 23 or 24 so this was like 7 years ago. There was no ring; we were lying in bed one morning and he said, "we should get married this summer" and I was like, "nahhh, I don't feel like I'm ready to get married yet. If we get married before we finish school I'll feel like…
She was 19..I was very, very confused when I was 19. He however..
This story is horrifying, but I don't see how we can find fault with the author for telling it. Well, some people can, but those people are terrible and the kind who say DV victims are stupid because "they don't just leave."
This is some brave shit.