I've not started reading yet, just wanted to say that cake looks delicious... But you're going to ruin it, aren't you? (Braces self)
EDIT: Nope, absolutely fine!! Thank you for not ruining cake, it's my favourite thing.
I've not started reading yet, just wanted to say that cake looks delicious... But you're going to ruin it, aren't you? (Braces self)
EDIT: Nope, absolutely fine!! Thank you for not ruining cake, it's my favourite thing.
Nope, no 'faux concerns' for 'others', though, real genuine concerns for the misconception that the receiver of abuse and manipulation in a relationship just didn't do enough and is responsible for their own bad situation (whether that's what you meant in your original comment or not, it's how it initially came…
No, not 'my ass handed to me', but you opening up that you DO know what a manipulative relationship is... Yet you reckon that this sounds like a clueless dude who didn't know what she wanted:
'Esposito claims the relationship was an unhealthy one, focused primarily on his needs and nothing else and that she was "a…
:( Poor Britney. When can she just be allowed to retire?! Any Britney news just makes me sad these days.
Yes! Definitely fair. Take it you haven't been in a manipulative relationship. You're constantly ground down to the point where you KNOW that if you say anything, not only will it not make an ounce of difference, but it will make things even more difficult and your partner will make you suffer more... Besides, are you…
Right, so you're 'more aware of the situation that I am', and yet you wrote that first post. I didn't say that 'one side was inherently evil', but Russia has certainly done a lot to damn itself in this situation. Russia sent in unmarked and armed troops after Ukraine was rebuilding itself post crisis when Ukraine's…
I'm aware that it has nothing to do with those two poor girls representing Russia in Eurovision, they are just 17, they didn't need that.
... But, are you arguing that everything else that I mentioned there could have been provoked by other countries... Are you seriously not watching the news, or even slightly aware of…
Whaaaat! ABBA are amazing!!!!!
... Erm, they're currently attempting a land grab in Ukraine and sending in unmarked soldiers, harming and killing people who rightfully don't want the Russians taking over their country and scaring them into submission, and then there's the views on gay rights and the history of stalking and locking up protestors, so…
I think it had more to do with their sneaky, sneaky invasion and land grab in Ukraine and their views and persecution of gays.
Wooo, come on Conchita!! REALLY hoping she wins. Though feeling so bad for those poor girls from Russia, it's not their fault (though def understandable that Russia is getting MASSIVE boos).
Sorry if it came off as crabby, but it really wasn't meant to be at all. I must have missed that post because I thought I was all up to date.
Me too. But every time I see a photo of Angelina, I really don't feel so concerned about them anymore... Though I do feel like mine pale in comparison to the sheer coolness of hers.
Hee hee 'transition lenses'. Fail safe way to look creepy and suspicious.
I get the impression that she's not hugely liked , but my god, that woman is just absolutely MAJESTIC. Mesmerised EVERY time.
It's late and all the way through I was reading it as 'musty'. I reckon you're right, it makes more sense because surely musk actually smells nice? - and he really does look musty.
Excited squeak, thank you :)