Hmm, that is true. Certainly couldn't ever boycott him or anything, he's too lovely (and a genius!).
Hmm, that is true. Certainly couldn't ever boycott him or anything, he's too lovely (and a genius!).
Do you not think so? I'm no good with 'Merican accents so I'm afraid I didn't notice, but I love any character who comes off as ever so slightly deranged. Though I agree Margot Robbie (and Wolf of Wall Street in general, it should have got more awards than American Hustle) was amazing especially as she is Australian,…
Welcome :) Good luck!! Hope it goes well.
Haha. I reckon because it's sort of the colour of carrot cake, and carrot cake is delicious.
Oh and also this, Lisa Eldridge is ahhhmaaazing
I heart Wayne Goss!! Little bit annoyed that he started out with "I don't do sponsored videos, this is all MY opinion"... And now he does sneaky sponsored videos.
Could you ask if they'll be offended if you BYOB? It would be understandable if they said no as they were both once raging alcoholics, or if they're uncomfortable with alcohol around for religious reasons, but otherwise it shouldn't be made a problem.
I feel like that's what should be said if it's what people mean. Though, feeling better for now knowing that people who say 'have' really mean 'want', it still bloody hurts feeling like you're considered as some sort of female outcast who's not to be trusted.
Whaaat. Only just clicked that you didn't list food. That shit DEFINITELY needs a prewarning. Not. Cool.
Did they pre-warn you so you could smuggle some in? Even if I wanted to (I really, really don't want to), I could never have an alcoholess wedding reception without KNOWING that most of the people coming would be smuggling some in.
Agree. Don't think it's snarking, as I doubt she did her own makeup, it's nothing personal. I feel like her eyebrows needed more definition to balance it out, plus more shadow on the top. Or, as you said, something lighter/ shimmery on the bottom, as here (which I think looks brilliant)...
Completely agree. I've always found things a bit difficult with women. Sure, I have female friends, but not CLOSE female friends... Doesn't mean I don't want some though (christ... I just got personal on the internets). JLaw, I may suddenly adore you, but I didn't like that comment.
Do you know what... I have only JUST got on board with the Jennifer Lawrence hype. Didn't quite get it before, but now, never mind having her as my BFF, I want to freaking BE her! I'm sorry, but she was the only good thing about American Hustle, she MADE that film.
I don't know about Jet, but the fact that magazines that are usually in print see going online as 'embracing the future' upsets me. Journalists are a dying breed because their work is no longer being seen as worth anything, it's being made free online. Caitlin Moran has an interesting rant on the working class being…
Yup, British person here. Funnily enough, I've recently found myself asking other half if he reckons technology could REALLY become self aware. He says yes, he does believe it could, which results in me nervously reeling off why IT COULDN'T!!! He hasn't seen Terminator (in spite of my insistence), he doesn't know what…
The other half and I reckon we would be brilliant rich people (... Though, no doubt everyone does). We'd spend money like it was old, Rolls Royces and all that jazz. None of that new money muck you see these days, gold Lambos etc, nah.
There were penguins in Good Luck Chuck, that was enjoyable...
Ahhhhh!! Yep, in that case I completely agree.
... 14-16 in spirit? Because I'm 26 now and still a fan of Leonardo Di Caprio. I'm afraid I don't agree with your similie, I reckon Leonardo keeps getting better.