
You know what, I honestly love Heche for her Paltrow-itis, because that means that she has overcome this shit:

'Heche has claimed that her father repeatedly raped her from the time she was an infant until she was twelve, giving her herpes.'

Which, in my book, makes her amazing, regardless of everything else.

Haha!! Yeah even if the narcissism is still there, along with a massive lack of talent, the Kardashians do seem like loads more fun, I would go with them too. Screw it, Beyonce, I'll have your invite ok?

I found this comment from her speaking about her anorexia:

'Christina Ricci joined the famed eating disordered ranks and admitted to being anorexic. She said her work as a young actress forced her into the mold of the Hollywood thinness standard. If she didn't fit, she risked being criticized.'

It goes on to say she

Ha, I'm glad you said it! I agree, but I feel like it's considered blasphemy or something to say it out loud. Her interviews are what made me dislike her, and she is vain and narcissistic and just a bit... I don't know... flat(?) compared with the superwoman image that is portrayed.

Let me start by saying I LOVE her, but I really think she has issues. She has had an eating disorder in the past and has a history of going mad on the exercise. The 'smushed down boobs' comment reminds me of when anorexics try to stop themselves from having a more 'womanly' figure - I do hope I'm wrong though, I

What? Really? ...Why does it matter if she goes or not? I hate the idea that those petitions (which are used for damn good causes!!!) are being devalued with crap like this. I think if I had the option, I would DEFINITELY go to Kimye's wedding (even though I don't have time for either of them). Weddings are

My little sister, who is a teenager, is a 12/ small 14 (though this is in UK sizes), and was desperate for something from A&F (for some reason it has only become really popular in the UK in very recent years, along with Hollister). She was upset because she couldn't find anything in there to fit her (I think she

Just what the fuck is his face?! (meaning Mike Jeffries of course), the other has a kind of quirky, flawed handsomeness. That man clearly had some serious deep seated insecurities... You know how you get over those Jeffries? Well, being a DICK doesn't help!

She was in one of the Twilights - another actress who had previously been playing the character got sacked so BDH could play the part instead... She was in some Spiderman film, playing the part which Emma Stone plays better... And she was in 'Terminator: Salvation'... She was decent in that. She is a bit insignificant

Totally agree! Loving that they've added the scary suspense again - there were a few parts where I was almost too scared to look. I thought season 2 was great, but it definitely lacked on the suspense, it was just misery after more misery for the characters.

I know it's not something that needs to be said, it's just KNOWN, but how freaking amazing is Jessica Lange?! I think the thing that I love most of all about her is that she is REPRESENTING for the older ladies, in an age where you are practically considered dead if you are a woman over 40, especially in Hollywood,

Sweden just seems like a better place to live in general.

The gap between wealth isn't as vast as it is here in the UK either, there isn't loads of sickeningly rich and ridiculously poor people. Plus they were working on environmentally friendly living like 30 years ago, the rest of the world has only recently caught

Ohhhh, that would take forever! Living in the uk, it makes it difficult to be on top of new posts with the time difference. But thank you for the advice! I have phases where I'm fine with being in the grey ('screw this, I'll stay in the grey, I don't care!!') and then I will occasionally get frustrated and throw a

People with posting privileges have followed me... So I'm confused! I've been recommended by staff too soooo.... This is what I can't understand, people say 'It's this, you need to do this!', but it turns out not to be true. Does anyone definitely know for sure?

Unrelated, but can we have a genuine confirmation of how to get out of the grey please? No 'I thinks' or 'maybes', genuine REAL 'you have to do this'! Because honestly, I'm so tired of this. Just seen a similar post in another forum so thought I would do a similar post in support of all the greys. Is the grey really

Nah, it's likely only going to be for this post. Once you go to comment on another post; grey AGAIN...

I hear you!! I am REALLY not understanding what you have to do...

... Really? Are you trolling? There was no reason for them to not believe they were actually talking to a 10 year old girl. They intentionally targetted a young girl for explicit images. It was THEIR choice to target and begin the webcam chat. Besides, they weren't arrested, their details were handed over. You have

I feel excited to say this every time and will never pass up an opportunity to bring it up... He's chancellor for my university (FREAKING COOL in itself) AND(!) I get to meet him when I graduate!!!!

Just had a google one one of those specials was a Most Haunted. Watching. Now. (Thank you!)