
*vomits violently*


Damn, those 3 last books you mentioned... I just finished them back to back this past 4 months.

You know your stuff. Instead of cursing the heavens with how much you didn't like the movie, you actually offered a well thought out alternative; You have my respect for this.


Futuristic? Yes. Arm-exhausting? Also yes. It's not ergonomic at all to have an OS that's controlled mainly by waving your arms about.

I really think Runaways would work better as a TV show. like maybe a 3-4 season run.

Have some disturbing news for you - we can do pretty much anything at the current moment. It's all corporations and the bottom line holding everything back. Because yachts.

probably more durable, and costs less, than current batteries. So no. They will not be producing this for the masses anytime soon.

Exactly, they just left - which is why there's room to bring him back. They didn't so much as check a pulse. It was just "Oh, he laid down, guess his chest wound was fatal, whereas mine barely hurts. Oh well, he'd never do anything tricky. Let's go!"

You know, I like everyone on this site. I genuinely do. Which is odd for me to say, given how much of an introvert and my genuine disdain for most people.

No, it's actually quite good.

What is MOBA ? :P

We're both going to hell for that...

Just that first paragraph alone makes me want to punch an Ewok in his plastic eyeballs.

News flash to wanna-be militant nerds everywhere; It's okay to like more than one sci-fi franchise. It really is. The universe will not implode. Take it from me. I like Doctor Who, Star Wars and Star Trek among many other less high

I was just thinking the same thing...though, we should give it a chance.

You know what would probably be even better that a shitty half nude girl or guy? Uh, I dunno... a mech?

Equal opportunity sexism is the best type of sexism.

That poster should have some under-ball, just to be fair.