I know this thread is pretty much dead, I just wanted to add a small suggestion regarding your lactose intolerence & GOMAD:
I know this thread is pretty much dead, I just wanted to add a small suggestion regarding your lactose intolerence & GOMAD:
Call me a cynic if you absolutely must but something tells me that the people who had a problem with the Cheerios commercial are going to have less of a problem with an interracial couple when it's a white man and asian woman than they did with a black man and white woman.
Ooop. Here we go...
This is a nice Exhibit A for the ugly baby article. We get to witness the transformation from ugly newborn to adorable child.
It's a huge life change - I can understand there being some transitioning. Also, consider that they have had to stop having a laid-back attitude about many things that most of us are relaxed about - eating, drinking, hanging out (aka SITTING around), etc. They have to count and work and try.
I'm a sekrit fitness Nazi. I don't tell people they're fat and lazy and mock their food, but there are a lot of (frankly) fat, lazy assholes (read: ex friends and unfortunate acquaintances) who mock me for working out and eating healthy. GAWD, how do you not eat meat? ... I would DIE without bacon... That tofu shit…
You're shitting me.
You know, can I just take a minute to throw some gratitude at the awesome male allies in the Texas Senate? There are certainly plenty of TX dude politicos trying to take away our rights, but folks like Sen. Watson have, I think, really been wonderful allies throughout this entire thing.
Yup, 2 dead, 75 hospitalised, 10-15 critical at SF General, 5 at a burns unit elsewhere in the city etc.
I hope for the best as from what we receive is what we will give back. Anyways, good luck on everything.
Yes. This.
I feel like she does not understand how weddings work. A wedding reception is basically one giant party. You do not throw a party and then ask your guests to pay for it, unless you are a frat house and you are charging a cover to pay for the kegs. DO YOU WANT YOUR WEDDING TO BE A FRAT PARTY? (Side note: I typed…
What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.
My favorite part is about 18 seconds in, when the instructor (left seat) says, "Lemme see the helicopter one second." *YOINK!* "I got all three." I like to imagine he flicked his cigarette out the side at that moment, too. Cool as a cucumber in a coal mine.
"Son, I'm sorry I had to divorce your mother, but sometimes people can't be together. I hope you understand. Now forget all about it and enjoy this five hundred dollar RC plane."
Except it's on YouTube now. He's got proof!
That kid now has a pretty awesome story to tell all his friends that none of them will ever believe.
Wow, English is ruined because of a couple typos? Okay, I didn't bother to look up "Parentheses" but if you assume "emottion" wasn't a typo, and that I assume it actually has two t's, than apparently your critical thinking is even more ruined (or is it ruineder?) than the English language.
Interesting that a person who would critique another individual so severely and call them a "cretin" (which is something a pathetic English teacher would say to a student without knowing the origin of the word, only that it sounds insulting to a virgin ear) would then end a sentence with a preposition and then use a…
The biggest issue with hashtags has nothing to do with their effect on language. The problem is that the people who use them the most, COMPLETELY misunderstand how to use them.