
Nah I'm just a dancer with a CS degree. I learned everything I know about music video analysis from Vigilant Citizen which is a great website. Even though a lot of his conspiracy theory stuff is wonky, he taught me how to focus on the details of a video to pick up on the narrative, and he offers some really excellent

Good for you!

Christianity is an easy target because there's no real risk other than maybe a boycott and free publicity on Fox. "Edgy" would have been Bowie dressed as Mohammed and marrying a 9-year-old girl (see

I miss the poster that reveals that midway through the film, Edward Nygma finds out that Batman isn't Bruce Wayne but a guy named Trevor.

Riddle me this, Iro... I mean - Batman!

- OK. Alien invasion and all, can I...

Reminded me of her. Perhaps the most reasonably armored female warrior character in recent pop culture history.

Slightly off topic but I was a little disappointed that the Mandarin's character was completely neutered, making him just an actor who had no powers and no aspirations of evil...

Gravity looks like it's going to be a heavy film.

I found Paint.NET (with extra downloaded plugins/effects) adequate for my general-purpose usage. (Previously, like everybody I knew, I used pirated Photoshop.) While PS has a lot of added options that greatly benefit the professionals, most other people can get by with free software like Paint.NET and GIMP.

Yes, PS has

Adobe always has and will continue to make money from the graphics companies that have to buy it legally, I think its very rare for individuals to buy it. You can even argue that some that pirate photoshop eventually move on to be graphic designers and thus actually buy the software but never would have if they hadn't

even if they manage to completely stymie pirates, we/they can just use the last version which, up until today, was the best photo software available.

If people are pirating 30 dollar movies and 60 dollar games, you better believe they're going to continue to pirate Adobe's software.

If the content is good enough, it will show up elsewhere for free.

No you don't. I've sat throught so many of those goddamn "important" duck meetings I just wanna puke.

America, fuck yeah!

Or, if not that, at least a moment of Extremis glow. I was a little disappointed we didn't get any confirmation on that

rather then focusing on the nudity, did anyone else feel sorry for the frog?

I blame it on water.

My sources say that this kid used to drink it. And you know who also drank water? Hitler

I rest my case