
Have you all considered that maybe they're not actually trying to make a Superman movie after all?

You already have a way to get toxins out of your digestive system. It's called "pooping."

Hmm... Matt Murdock actually speaks in court. He can't get convictions just by looking at the jury with serene, pregnant silence.

This is an interesting comment. People should make comments like this more often.

I'll say what I said for Black Panther - as a street-level superhero with a llot of story potential even when out of costume (who doesn't like a lawyer meddling up with your shadowy, clandestine governmental organization), Daredevil is a perfect candidate for a recurring guest star on Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

He is.

Everytime I see Thor now, all I can think of is Robert Downey Jr's voice saying "Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?"

Am I the only one who heard him say "gay" before "fuckin shit"?

If you need low-stress, just skip relationships entirely and live alone. Hire an escort when you need your ashes hauled. Problem solved!

I think that's just a reflex action for her, like blinking.

This isn't even my kid.

Let me know when they call you.


Her "business" ain't the only thing "growing".

Right, but my point is that getting people to care about something with which they have no personal connection or first-hand experience is almost impossible, particularly when the only voices they can pick out of the discussion are extreme ones. I'm not opposed to mentioning it, I guess I just get "sadness one-upping"

Bullshit. She's a woman who's had sex with numerous men. I fail to see how that makes her a slut.

The worst comic hero backstory would be the best TV series. Wonder Man. Indestructible dude logically chooses a career as a hollywood stuntman and weekly hijinks ensue.

Totally agree. May this thread get a million agrees and some studio exec see it. I want my Heroes For Hire show.

I agree. The "Heroes for Hire" aspect has unlimited potential.

A Iron First and Luke Cage buddy cop type show is just asking to print money. Easy to make, cool characters and has a great history to build off of.