I think that's a legal requirement in Korea now.
I think that's a legal requirement in Korea now.
I think the Jewish pageants are next year.
THIS. Right here.
So does money. Money also goes a long way. A VERY long way.
Hear, hear.
You guys know he was mis-quoted, right?
What a damn shame.
In retrospect, that twat King Jeoffrey doesn't seem so bad now, does he? LOL
To be complete honest I saw Walder Frey's treachery coming a mile away though... but I thought it was something to the effect of "In addition to you apologizing to my daughters, I'm gonna fuck your pregnant wife AND your mom. While you watch. And THEN we're square. mmkay, buddy?"
Cool Story, Bra.
Head-shaking and snark aside, I really would like to ask this donkey-raping uncle-fellating "professor" what the fuck a person's size has to do with their ability to do the academic WORK.
No, I'm actually a pretty mellow cool dude who takes internal health very seriously.
All I have to say is the kid in that ad is adorbs.
OK so this is basically ant torture? :)
Defensive much?
Against my own desires, I smiled and LOL'd.
Clearly you've never owned a cat :)
Hush your mouth. Lady Brienne is bad-ass in so many ways!