Dr. Curt Connor's is all like, "Don't knock it till you try it!"
Dr. Curt Connor's is all like, "Don't knock it till you try it!"
Yeah. Wish I could say same about the kids :)
That last one was HILARIOUS!!
It kinda does if you think about it logically. Westerners/Americans are just too "politically correct" in public to admit that this is how they also think. All humans think like this, to some extent. Our Reptile Brains are still there, after all.
Mmmmyeeeaaahhhh he's basically saying the kids are ugly.
Holy shit I just realized this was on Kotaku not Jezebel. Heads would have exploded, over there.
You didn't get the memo about Gender Equality?
Boasting is not attractive.
Whaaaat? No more bewbs?!?? Now what wil I fap 2 wen watching Tomb Raider moviezzz??!???
I'm still looking for the part of the article that blames all this bra discomfort on teh Menz.
The differences you see are most likely from combination of genetics AND their choice of exercise. There's also something called coincidence :) Only a large enough sampling of athletes around the world can give a better picture.
Isn't this article kind of pointless? These are made-up characters after all... the artists can draw them however they want.
Freedom costs a buck o' five....
The only crime here is that they didn't equip him with a helmet and lasers. What a missed opportunity.
I hope you learned something from this thread! :)
Well-said. It irks me when entire large countries get painted with same brush. I blame Western Willful Ignorance, as well as popular media that has no interest to educate the public about anything geographically or scientifically accurate/useful.
Wow. So did the guy die? Cuz dudes like that should be shot... not only for attempting rape, but for being stupid to try and SUE the damn VICTIM.
How about bowing to each other, sans physical contact? I think that would satisfy MORE people... including Feminists and asian people.
Video or it didn't happen.
I HEARD IT TOO! I was wondering if it was just me!