
Your mother.

"American TV commercial thrives on outdated and insulting stereotypes, proceed to sell more of product", tonight at 10.

I agree the cup-size ban is kinda stupid. Waste of time, "shiny object" for the mass media and FOX News.

I did. And yes I saw the paragraph.



I think we're on same page (sorta). Yes PPACA is one step in the right direction.

I guess statistics might be on your side, but for sake of gender equality, this cab service should at least TRY to be more inclusive of both genders.

Looking forward to the next episode!

Oh snap.

I read the whole thing. The 4th paragraph asks the same question, doesn't really "address" anything.

Go ON wit'cho bad self, nana!!

...question how often prostitution involves a consenting prostitute...

Why not the cab drivers make sure EVERYONE gets home safely? Are ONLY women allowed to be "watched over"?


Now playing

Obviously going around banning things willy-nilly is never a good idea. However we as a society can consult our most knowledgeable (not just scientists and doctors but social workers, etc) and use them as guides to decide what our priorities should be.

Yep! By design.

Thanks. She's in a much better place now.

Yeah, and it sucks donkey :( Especially the commenting system. Awful. My understanding is that the parent company will roll out this turd system across all the sites soon.

This story highlights one of the several differences in culture been the Japanese and us.