It's the High Fructose Corn Syrup in all our foods, man...
Is there any website out there that bets on the lengths of celebrity marriages?
I don't even know what that means. Also, you logged on just to hurl random insults at an internet stranger? You must be completely bored and have no life. My condolences.
Fine. Then after she realizes it's abuse? Then what? Keep doing it anyway, or take a stand and/or find another line of work (or another employer)? (I might start calling this the "Rihanna-Brown Syndrome")
Then the person needs to find a new line of work. If enough people do it, the business will change its practice, or go out of business.
I suspected as much, but was a little in denial.
Nope, that would be ridiculous.
I guess the big boobs and face didn't take her far enough, she wanted more attention.
I find it fascinating that when we finally have non-white "central casting" leading characters in a video game, and it's SUCCESSFUL, there's a story written about it, and the developer/publisher gets all kinds of props.
Yeah, just like President Obama is "only" half-black.
That's a given :)
If all "Women being oppressed oh woe is us!" stories were analyzed from a "Did anyone hold a gun to y'all's head?" approach, there'd be a LOT less whining. And a lot fewer stories of woe.
I recently picked up Homeworld for $10 online. Started playing 2 nights ago... Brings back memories...
It's madness. MADNESS I TELL YOU!!
Well, they are just opinions of some wise elders who have seen a lot in their long lives, across multiple countries. Not exactly science, but not exactly useless info, either.
More like, to its melting point :)
This has really given me food for thought!
Wasn't this already covered in a previous post?
This is what Rick Santorum warned us about...