
I just responded to say +1

You know, I'm gonna go ahead and take the stick outta my ass for a minute, so I can say that Seth MacFarlane was FUNNY. Sometimes ridiculous? Yes. Once or twice totally inappropriate? Yes. But overall, between Family Guy, American Dad, and all the other stuff he's done, does, and will do... he is funny as hell.

Your logic and facts have no place in this echo chamber that is Jezebel.

Well, I think we're ALL to blame in some way for situations like the Ashley Judd controversy and the Chris Brown vs. Rihanna debacle.

Cool. Can you believe I've never sat through that entire movie? I just keep seeing pieces of it :)

I embarked on my healthy/active lifestyle journey 10 years ago. When I started, it took me about 2 weeks to ramp up from 3-4 glasses a day, to 1 gallon (4 liters) a day. I was also lifting like crazy and eating big (well, as big as a skinny/puny ectomorph can eat).

This article is supremely insulting from so many angles, to both genders.

Replied just to upvote this comment.

Life is pain, and then you die.

"...they'll often continue it to maintain the comfortable and familiar cadence."

You'll be singing a different tune when the earth becomes a post-apocalyptic wasteland and the only things left to eat are dogs, cats, cockroaches, and other humans.

Much MUCH better, brother! You have brought much honor to your family, and found favor with Allah most merciful and most beneficent.

Her awesome, well-toned arms are still showing. FAIL!

On a side-note... I understand your last few lines. Especially as we get older, it's tougher to maintain that lean mass that we worked so hard to get. Skip exercise for just ONE week (just a week!) and the fat piles on so QUICKLY while lethargy kicks in, making it all that more difficult to hit the trails/weights!

Point taken.

I know what you're getting at, but WW (and other things in this massive industry) can only help so much. The rest is up to the individual.

Not hating at all (in fact I am glad it exists). I just come across soooooooooo many people who do Weight Watchers, and somehow still find a way to justify over-indulging on bad foods and avoiding exercise. Not just 1 or 2 people, but MANY people in my personal and professional life. At least my wife agreed to

I didn't say there was anything "wrong" with it, I was just amazed at the fact that it exists and is a huge industry.

I'm having problems gaining lean mass. Opposite end of the spectrum, I guess.

If you've lived as long as I, and seen what I've seen, then you probably know, deep down in your non-PC heart, that "All Sorts of Crazy Reasons" == "2% Crazy Reasons, 98% Lack of Self-Control".