

A whole industry developed around peoples' lack of self-control.

Hey, keep your offline activities to yourself....

Please cross-post this on

She's just a KID, at a well-known awards show, cheering cuz she got nominated. For ACTING.

That little girls has some nice biceps. Does she work out? Anyone know her monkey-bar routine?

I disagree. Models being "brain dead" insinuates that they had brains to begin with.

Not necessarily violent perpetrators, but violent mentality. IE: They believe that in any strong relationship, hitting the other person is OK.

As a dude, I would like to see a rom-com that didn't make me want to slit my wrists.

Oh I know she's 30 now, I was kidding around.

I know. But I can still fantasize, can't I?

You know I was totally kidding, right? She's still a hottie, IMHO.

She does. You know I was just kidding... she looks amazing and I'd still totally hit that.

Why does Anna Paquin look so old? Plus she kinda looks like Madonna in that top picture.

her random poor judgement aside, am I the only guy alive who finds Lena Dunham so very f*ckable, in that curvy, probably somewhat humble, "attainable girl-next door" way?

It can be. Depends on which gadget you get :)

As a dad and a gadget geek, all I can say to that is: WURD.

Guys have something like this. It's called Frys Electronics.

Yes, it's all quite stupid. It's always that vocal minority of douches on BOTH sides of the gender aisle that undermine the Gender Equality movement, and generally make life hard/shitty for the rest of us.