It would make for some interesting names...
It would make for some interesting names...
I blame the CONSUMERS. There's really no one else to blame for this crap. People vote with their dollars, pushed by their EXTREMELY DEEP feelings about what's "for boys" and what's "for girls".
Well, point taken... but maybe you don't understand where I am coming from because you're not a non-perfect-looking guy.
With names like Ququ and Zeze, we could have a whole generation of kids who are really, REALLY good at making Scrabble words with just 2-3 letters.
Answer: They start back over from "A". No big deal.
Cuz truth often sux donkey.
I did not assume, I am only going by the Jezzie standard. Don't blame me, blame other commentors for setting the standard of what constitutes "creepy".
No calibration needed, I am only going by the Jezzie standard. Don't blame me, blame other commentors.
heh heh
I've never done that, They already get tons of free shit, money, and attention, so I make it a point NEVER to do anything nice for them, or compliment them. No feeding their ego, EVER.
I don't even know. It's weird, but that's Internet memes for ya...
This person is still alive???
Can someone please post a video showing the ORIGINAL Harlem shake video? Not the dance, but the video that inspired the meme.
I was watching some of those Harlem Shake videos... I don't get it either. I mean it's funny as a meme, but I don't remember the Harlem Shake being anything like that.
He sounds like a creep.
... being picked last in P.E. in and of itself isn't likely to cause a kid to become a mass-murderer...
I bet.
I'm guessing that if I were to give you a "thumbs up", just like everyone else below... I'd get chewed out just because I'm a dude?