I think I read same things somewhere, actually. Crazy stuff.
I think I read same things somewhere, actually. Crazy stuff.
I'm not judging women's choices. And I'm not saying people shouldn't control themselves, either.
That's why I love Science (and Math)... facts, figures, and Scientific Process are immune to emotional and illogical bullshit :)
Damn right, True Believer :)
See, right there. Right there.
You are right. Also, I actually never said that "Jezebel sucks" :)
I just realized I am 100% immune to online insults. Yay! :)
Thanks for the sincere question.
Wild generalizations seem to be the norm on the internet, so to be fair I can't really single out just one. It just seems particularly egregious when those generalizations are basically criminal accusations targeted at an entire gender, for the actions of an evil few... an evil few who ironically most likely don't…
Not necessarily "disdain", but come on... have you read the tone of many of the other commenters? I mean, come on. It's hard to not come away extremely jaded, even with the best of intentions.
Is it weird that I've always wanted to have Hillary Clinton's babies? She's such an awesome female role model.
Look, everything and anything a man does that falls outside the comfort zone of any woman, anywhere on Earth (but especially in the Western World), is automatically "sexual" and "creepy" and "wrong". NO MATTER the intent, the man is judged and condemned by faceless internet masses.
Why is anyone even writing about this? We humans are still just animals, driven by hormones and instinct. Woman seeks out taller rich men, men seek out sexier fertile women, etc etc.
I understand where you're coming from, but you're missing the point I was making.
Are you saying that we're not mammals driven by millions of years of evolution/instincts? What part of my quoted statement is "misinformation"?
Yep! I think so too.
Have they tried powering the computers with Dilithium crystals?