
I’ve experienced many a spooky thing in my life but this one hands down is my favorite. I used to live in an apartment building that was originally a doctors house from about 1900. My sensitive friends and I took the time to identify the different ghosts we felt around the house there was a little girl and everyone

When I was a little girl, we lived in a busy little seaport town in New England. Most of the houses in my neighborhood were built in the late 18th and early 19th century and were owned by sea captains and the like. When I was in seventh grade I was friends with the weirdos and we enjoyed doing our own thing, which

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This looks pretty terrible. The movie I really want is based on, of all things, an Amazon Prime commercial I saw the other day:

Well, no, take the stuff written in the article to heart:

If you see a ghost, punch it. It’s important to establish dominance with ghosts from the very beginning or else they will always keep hiding your socks and screwdrivers, randomly turn on your lights, turn up the thermostat, and have sex with your wife.

I call the Ghostbusters!

Yes, it was either a puma, a cougar, or a mountain lion. One of the three.

When I was 14 I worked in a doll shop on the first floor of an old colonial house.

If you think enslaving humans was a tiny aspect of Washington’s life you really don’t know anything about Washington. He own people and their forced labor was part of his life every single day. His ownership of people was the key to whatever financial success he expected to obtain from his businesses. It was a key

Also the more people realize how flawed and actually human historical figures are, the more they will understand that they can have an impact on “future history” regardless of their shortcomings

White Knight is a metaphor that I’ve heard as a criticism to white do-gooders who claim their actions are about doing good things for the Asian community, but actually do things that make them feel good and superior themselves,such as adopting Chinese girls. I used “swatting” “batting” and my keyboard being a blunt

This is what she said (I’m not certain I completely believe her, because it seemed to push all the right buttons): that she was appalled that Clinton would prey on a young and quite naive young woman -never mind subordinate, that it was clear that Monica was unhappy and had extra stress upon her for this and yet

Again, I would recommend listening to Slow Burn. But basically, she disliked the Clintons for a variety of reasons (some legit, some less so, in my opinion). Then she got to be friends with Lewinsky when Lewinsky was transferred out of the White House, and as she heard more about the relationship with Clinton, she

Bette Davis: “You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say the good. Joan Crawford is dead. Good.”

I could never rise to Monica Lewinsky’s level of magnanimity.

I was always taught not to speak ill of the dead. So i’ll end this comment here. 

Okay. I understand you disagree with her actions (although I’m wondering where you’re getting that she “very likely put her fellow service members at even greater risk than they were already in”). But that is different than questioning whether she “stood on principle” or speculating, with zero evidence, that “none of

The fact that she keeps getting punished but Bush, Cheney, John Yoo and the hundreds, if not thousands of their war criminal accomplices are free and prosperous proves we do not have justice.

Chelsea is very brave. I’ve been incarcerated. It sucks. She went through Hell but didn't talk.

Are you familiar with Stan by Eminem? It’s based off of that.