
Yeah, ferals should just be put down. Too much time and money is spent on trying to “tame” them(a near impossible task), and it would be better spent on adoptable cats. I’m not even convinced they keep other stray cats out of the neighbourhood, and they spread disease and filth all over the place.

My mom’s car has started going for the door every chance she gets, and in a house with three kids, she gets a lot of chances. So now she gets locked up in the basement(with food, water, and toys) when the kids are home and awake.

That’s why feral cats should be euthanized on capture. The resources to tame them, not to mention the damage they cause the environment and the cost of their medical treatment, are better spent on tame cats who’ve simply lost their owners. Feral cats don’t deserve the stress well meaning “cat lovers” force on them. 

Oh thank god she’s alive. 

No one has to die at a concentration camp to make it a concentration camp, but this and similar reports may push these over into the “death camp” definition  

I hope she gets eaten by goldfish. 

Don’t get too distracted. That’s what happened in Canada and now we’re stuck with Trudeau.

The woman who investigated my brother’s murder invested a lot of ego into it, and it was awful. She basically treated my mom and I like crap because we didn’t want the boy to go to jail or be killed, it was awful. 

While Newfoundland has experienced an economic renaissance in recent years, I doubt that the seal hunters(mostly off season fishermen) have had access to that largesse at the same rate as others.

My mom taught us not to even put our fingers into our mouth if we so much as touched a wild mushroom. That wasn’t unusual in my area, none of my peers would touch wild mushrooms, either.

We lost a cat with chronic illness and then my cat(who woke up one morning, age 23, pooping blood), both within a month. It happens like that sometimes.

Also, like, what is the story with those dogs? Are they genetically engineered, or robots, or what? 

Hey, fuckhead, it’s faster and more humane to bash their brains instantly than it is to hope that you get a good shot. Get fucked, you racist shithead. 

Seal hunters need to hunt seals, or they will starve. I don’t know if Japanese dolphin hunters will starve if they don’t hunt dolphins, but I do know that my experience dealing with anti-sealing advocates makes me wary of professional “activists”. 

Hardly ever bike without my helmet, but one of the few times I did, I rode home with groceries on my handlebar.

Marine reptile. 

Lol, yeah, I basically hate this country, but this is such an old trick that it’s starting to fossilize. 

No, you fucking move. I’m not leaving until the mess is cleaned up, you jerkass. 

Basically, yeah. The canonization of Canada is a real problem, because it’s so constantly used to deflect criticism of our country, which makes it hard for people who want to actually change things here. 

Yeah, you could also do the same with netting. It used to be a sort of common handicraft.