Ceric Neesh

You’re wrong about teachers, too. Teachers ABSOLUTELY get bonuses and pay increases based in part upon the performance of their students, and special education teachers of all types, from ESE/ESOL and “Gifted” to behavioural problems and learning difficulty classes, receive higher base pay than other teachers at their

Kinda.  They’re old as shit in canon, for sure, and Filoni basically said that they could easily be old enough to be KOTOR-era, though it wasn’t his decision to make them such.

That’s actually covered in EU canon! Snowspeeders were patrol speeders that were primarily used in much warmer environments and had huge radiators on the back that had to be insulated to be used on Hoth.

Filoni openly admitted to basically just making a canon version of the Hammerhead-class ships (The Rebels/Rogue One version is the Sphyrna-class), and the ones in Rogue One are using the same model with new textures and detailing as the Rebels design, iirc (I do think they changed the design a bit but can’t recall for

Even simpler: There was zero reason for them to USE them in the original trilogy.  The only time they needed to land troops and *only* troops (as opposed to full transports) was Endor, and they had to sneak past the shield and use an Imperial Shuttle for that instead of a U-Wing.  Considering that they weren’t even

Honestly?  Last-Gen (2010-2014) Mustang.  You can get a used GT for within the budget, they’re safe as hell, they’re considered to be an “experience car” enough that even though it’s (relatively) lower-end than a lot of client cars it’s a choice made rather than a decision forced, and from my experience, they actually

NGL, as someone who’s been nosing around Apple stuff as a secondary device (for work and also because the Apple Watch is the only one with actual wheelchair tracking, now that I’m using one occasionally), if they did a lower-spec iPhone with a plastic back in the G3 colours?  I’d absolutely grab it.  I’m like.  99%

This, folks, is why you clear out your drafts once you decide against posting that hot take.

It’s not even so much “preformed” as “made in a mold like a mini-omlette”, which is why it’s folded and square.  The people taking the picture initially probably were focused on it looking perfectly square ‘cos they’re dumbasses, and just cut it.

Here’s the thing: Left alone, fash groups start to harass and assault minorities. It happens EVERY TIME they group up. Charlottesville, Gainesville, Portland, Seattle. Neo-Nazis show up, and if there’s somewhere that antifascists don’t follow ‘em, they find a black person, or a hispanic person, or someone they think

Right?  I had my *dream* job and I still had complaints, even if they were minor, like having to clock out from the time computer in the back room instead of the break room like every other department got to, which cut five minutes off my breaks.

What if Bernie asked Cardi if she thinks trans women are women?  But he wouldn’t do that because it’d expose her for the transphobic POS she is.

How nice of Amazon to demonstrably prove that they absolutely COULD be paying employees more and investing in better working conditions but just don’t want to.

We know that a lot of the third-party retailers (BBTS, for example) haven’t put in their orders yet, and there’s no indication that TakaraTomy Mall numbers or Hasbro Asia or Australian numbers have been added either.  Hasbro Asia, ESPECIALLY, is going to contribute big numbers to this; giant, expensive figures are

The reason Lego uses regular batteries is because it means that 50 years from now, you’ll still be able to use this.  I’ve got electronics from LEGO sets from when I was four (I’m 28 now) that still work as soon as you slot batteries in.  Battery packs degrade and become unusable and eventually unsafe.

Don’t forget the VERY OBVIOUS spaces for “aftermarket” braces.  I’m putting aftermarket in quotes because we all know Toyota’s gonna offer at least one version that’s got all of them from the factory.

Except that wouldn’t hold up in court at all, because it’d violate S230 to enforce, and an executive order has less authority than an existing law (in other words, an EO can act as legislation in an area where there is none, and Congress can either codify or overrule it through creation of legislation, but an EO

Yes, but right now Twitter isn’t responsible for the calls to violence white supremacists (including a lot of Republicans) post.  With S230 gone, they’re suddenly on the hook for it.

I’m mostly just salty that there’s no way to get just a super basic empty RV to work on yourself.  Literally all I want is a empty shell with a garage in the rear.  Doesn’t even have to be super-long; I can loft a bed over the car, and then I really just need a bathroom (I’d probably build it a bit bigger than the

Do...... do they realise that Section 230 is the main justification a lot of sites use to leave up the racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, white supremacist, ableist content a lot of people post?  That getting rid of S230 is really only going to force sites to delete all of that?