Ceric Neesh

Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (better known as her pseudonym Posie Parker”

Hey, they get to witness a winner every game. They’re called the “away team”.

Tranny swap into a better ZJ, and keep the cowl tag from the original as a souvenir/documentation.

As Polygon report, he was charged with one count of burglary and one count of trafficking of stolen property related to the GameStop sale,”

No third count. Typical.

Edit: (I hope someone had a pool going for how fast a joke like this would happen, and I hope you won.)

His blood isn’t being evenly distributed throughout his body. Hypocrite.

Maybe it’s time for me to come up with some rules and then get reminded what a fool I am! Sounds fun to me!

when i was in high school i worked in a warehouse that stored bird seed and the owners kept a cat there to keep rodents away. One day we saw the cat chasing a rat at full speed and everyone was yelling “yeah get ‘im!” then a minute later we saw the cat being chased by the rat. they were playing tag. and then cuddling.

They gonna leave the yellow packing pieces on the bumper?  If so, I’m in.

Dodge is trying to figure out how to put that in a Challenger. Stretch that platform another 50 years.

Can we use a different word in place of ‘retarded’ next time?

I love how you’re only talking about three people total in that sentence.

X-Wing is ranked too low.

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

The proper term isn’t downvotes, it’s “surprise disagreements.”

Go to Berlin’s gay district and you will find a lot of Turkish bears.

a wireless mouse that has a charge port on the bottom...

A little over a year ago, my wife landed a new job at a different company and it’s probably the best job she’s ever had in her adult life. The commute is pretty close, her coworkers are friendly, the job itself is challenging but not entirely overwhelming and she gets along really well with her direct supervisor (and

Your condoms have chinstraps? Kudos to you, big guy!

that stupid yellow plastic front cover is completely untouched? 

You could just have written about the confrontation but at the end you took things further and peppered in some practical advice on how to modify the vehicle to prevent this. The extra effort you put in is noticed and appreciated.