Ceric Neesh

“all the guys mentioned” SHOULD BE IN FUCKING PRISON.  Every single thing listed is a crime, nearly all of them are crimes that carry 3-5 year sentences if not more.  It doesn’t matter if they’ve won MVP of games they didn’t even play because they’re *that good*, it doesn’t matter if literally nobody would watch

Basically, because it helps geologists.  Colour is an important indicator of makeup for rocks, so by colour-correcting, they can be looking at it with the full expertise they’ve got rather than having to interpret based on hues shifted by the martian atmosphere.

Precisely!  And again.  There is no grandfather clause in the ADA, and even historic register buildings have to do everything they can to comply so long as it doesn’t require basically demolishing the building to do (so things like chair lifts and adding ramps are still required).  We had a business downtown get in

If they have accessibility problems, then fuck ‘em. The ADA has been the law for 28 years, the regulations have been clear, and if they haven’t fixed their problems to the ADA standard (which is all that’s required to defend against an ADA lawsuit), then they deserve every single suit they get. I sometimes use a

Disney’s got to be considering it, and Universal would be fools not to take it, since they can’t use any of the movie stuff anyway, so their own Marvel content is stagnating hard.  I’d bet the stickler is that the rights to Hulk films are tied up in it somewhere too somehow and they don’t want to give that up, but

Damn, this is some excellent news. I really hope they don’t try to paint Halsey as anything but the self-aggrandizing war criminal and human rights violator that she is, Parangosky along with her.

For those who’re unfamiliar, when Halsey kidnapped 75 children from the colonies to turn into super soldiers, she wasn’t

Kinda.  The swaps took place without anyone noticing in some cases, and in others the parents thought something was up but didn’t really pursue it for one reason or another.  The Kilo-Five trilogy of novels explores this a lot, actually, as there were definitely a few parents who suspected something was going on and

No, ‘cos you’d still have to unbolt the remnants.

Now playing

This is really awesome, and a lot more work than the description makes it sound. Rich Rebuilds has a video explaining why doing EV conversions on modern cars can be extremely difficult, and in turn explaining why it’s so crucial that they’ve got specific kits for the vehicles they can work on and why it’s not just any

Less than an hour if the car’s not built to be expensive to repair, honestly.  It’s the *putting it back* that’s usually expensive.  Only reason it’d take an hour or more is if the exhaust is welded rather than bolted.

Hey, Jimjam. You’re an anti-vaxxer. Shut up about the “collective consciousness”.

Actually, just shut up about everything until you decide autism isn’t worse than a dead kid.  And isn’t bad at all.

You might want to check your distance to the tower.  What you describe happens to me a lot in really rural areas; I can have a really clear, “strong” signal, but it’s still very slow.  Meanwhile, with one bar inside my house and a tower maybe four minutes away if traffic’s bad, I usually get similar speeds to my home

Yang is the second most dangerous candidate because nothing he’s written or said or promoted got thousands of people to stop taking their medication that was saving their lives, only to end up dying feeling like they didn’t “love themselves” enough.

Second most dangerous is still far too dangerous, though.

Yup! I’ve actually GOT the Go-Buster toys, and was hoping the Hasbro ones would be more accurate, articulated versions. Instead we got..... that.

Amazon doesn’t use one because of the scale of their shipping.  The boxes they use are designed such that they can perfectly pack a entire shipping crate full of them using computer algorithms determining what should go where.  Those crates are designed to completely fill as much space as possible on an airplane for

I want Bernie as VP because of a lot of the responsibilities of the role and how they lie squarely in what he’s proven to be best at already.

Too bad she’s ableist, fatphobic, says people with HIV just needed to have a better attitude, and worse.

Yet another reason to give Bernie some hard side-eye.  Cardi’s NOTORIOUSLY transphobic and unapologetic about it, and to work with her on *anything* undermines everything he’s said he supports when it comes to trans rights.

Nope.  These are entirely new figures from Hasbro, the Bandai Japan Great Go-Buster is ENTIRELY different.  Might use some of the same size screws, but that’s it.

A LOT of people interested in this are going to be people with chronic illnesses or physical disabilities who are often more susceptible to temperature problems in the first place and, you guessed it, have mobility issues.  Especially since, in Japan, a lot of users will likely be their older population