Must be nice you can’t even fly half way across Canada for $650
Must be nice you can’t even fly half way across Canada for $650
Funny, it’s older farts like me that frequently bemoan the state of air travel because we can remember how much better it used to be before the deregulation era started. Mind you, though the actual flights are much worse than for example my trips to Hawaii on Wardair back in the 80's, it’s the demeaning “security…
Shit, just saw he’s not doing the Olympics either. I DON’T CARE, I’M STANDING BY MY SHITTY JOKE! Just, ya know, wash your hands thoroughly between handling the joke and touching your face.
I couldn’t be farther to the left, and I’m fine with it.
Hey John - I’m just going to go ahead and speak for everyone here and say that suspending you, or investigating you, or calling you out, or firing you, does not actually ‘distract’ from the victim’s statements. Quit worrying about that.
I completely agree. I think the judge saw the gross miscarriage of justice happening with MSU and USAG and used her unique powers to give a survivors a platform to enable change. She is the advocate these girls needed but never got.
This judge deserves her own gold medal for opening the floodgates here. I think these statements en masse have been what prompted Simone to speak up and therefore the closing of the ranch, and then the listing of John Geddert’s, and the resignations of the USAG board members. I hope the tide continues to roll in, and…
Would it be in especially poor taste to run a betting pool on how long he lasts before he gets shanked?
It would be...general population will see him beaten within an inch of his life and then ass-fucked several times a day by some of the meanest BBC on earth! A fitting punishment. Make it happen.
Keep in mind he wrote a 6 page letter to the judge, three days into the victim impact statements, arguing the same thing (well, more that it was cruel to make him listen to his victims). Fuck this guy, let it go for another week.
no no no. we dont want him to kill himself. we want him to suffer in prision. maybe get raped himself. and die of a shiv to the liver when hes 97 years old
I think it’s only right that we commit one last act of extraordinary rendition.
He should be brutally tortured for life, made to feel, every single day, more pain than any person in the history of mankind has ever felt. Nothing is too cruel. As far as I’m concerned, what he did makes him not a human being and, as such, not entitled to human rights. Gerard Butler in Law Abiding Citizen that…
I am politely asking everyone who reads this to boycott the Olympics. It is a COLOSSAL waste of money and resources that results in nothing meaningful. Spend that money and energy on literally any public project instead. One person who is provided a home or food is a thousand times better than someone setting a new…
I had Judge Wapner’s son (also named Judge Wapner) for jury duty once in Los Angeles. He was as funny a wiseass as his Dad. I was so psyched.
I would have guessed she was closer to five years older than me than five years younger, which appears to be the case. She’s been putting some Lohan miles on.
“The Fertile Octogenarian” was my alternative kinja name.
“Ahhh the Upper East Side. Finally, a place where I can feel comfortable voicing my anti-semitic views!”