
I’ve been using Sportsnet as my ONLY sourse for reliable news for 10, heck even 15 years now, dating back to the start of President Gore’s administration.

Yeah, it’s only okay to make fun of tragedies that happen in other countries.

To be fair no one is forcing them. They know what they are getting into

I grew up in South Carolina so I think I’ve got a good handle on what does and does not constitute being a slave. Something about making at least $8 million over 12 years, not including endorsement deals, doesn’t really strike me as slavery. Suck it up, dude, and while you’re at it pick up my fucking club.

Sad to see curling have a domestic abuse scandal of its own.


There were either too many or not enough Bill Cosby themed signs.

“Betsy Ross Matched Corso on Tinder”.

Leitch set the standard; everyone else is just following in his footsteps.

This kid writes like he’s going to be a washed up NFL punter in 10 years...

I bet this guy has, like, the biggest dick ever.

Quit trying to save face. Just say “my bad, I missed that part”. “Yesterday” while technically part of “this past week” is vastly different in context and in how you made your initial statement.

It was also a smart move by Ryan to have the best quarterback in the stadium serve as an honorary captain.

Doug Marrone reportedly wanted to send his captains out barefoot but that would have been a very expensive violation of the NFL’s uniform code.

As a Bears fan, had I known all it would take to get AP injured was for him to swallow some bad dip, I woulda taken him and the rest of the team to Ditka’s for appetizers!

I mean, passive-aggressive is exactly how he played the power forward position post-knee surgery.

“What’s this about dead hookers??”

I did nazi see that coming.

I don’t think I’ve ever fully accepted the idea that Sepp Blatter and Bernie Ecclestone are different people.

Bernie Ecclestone, the answer to the question, “What would you get if you crossed Donald Trump with Marge Schott?”