I hope they accidently on purpose aim for his head on every at bat.
He’s available NOW. He probably won’t be after his next plate appearance.
The NFL: so shitty that the KGB is only the second worst organization to use a Shield
Same here. Please, DeAngelo, please wear the pink next month. It would be so epic watching Goodell trying to justify the fine.
Jake Plummer all over again. Actually, this might be even better than Jake Plummer.
Yes, there are. I’m sure if Sarkisian had any of those conditions, we’d know about it. I don’t think he was having strokes multiple times at work. He was fucking drunk.
I lol’d. Didn't even read the source and knew this clown purporting to be a labor lawyer was tripping if he thought an employee could come to work drunk repeatedly and avoid termination. The ADA is not designed to allow employees who commit job related misconduct to continue to work solely because they have a…
Right. Every immigrant pines for the American dream of getting drunk at work and suing someone for firing you. Way to make it happen.
Nobody says you’re a bad lawyer. You’re just scum. People like you are why foreigners laugh at the American legal system.
So your ultimate position is that you’re an attorney who is so terrible, a loser Deadspin commenter used your own sources to fit you for a clown suit.
You said “It would be violating his medical privacy by stating he was drunk at practice”
Oh hogwash. Extremely wealthy universities don’t keep highly-skilled lawyers on retainer. That’s really expensive! You think USC got rich by throwing money at attorneys? Me, I always put my faith in the random internet commenter who claims to be a lawyer but admits he’s a total outsider to the case. Can’t lose.
Can *I* prove any of those things? Absolutely not. But I didn’t fire Steve Sarkisian. Seriously, man, try to keep up.
He’s not an attorney. Just a dude on the internet that can’t admit when he’s wrong... that or he’s Steve Sarkisian.
Only a lawyer would try to argue that someone who gets paid $4.2 million per year should be able to show up drunk for work and not get fired.
And when they fire his ass mid season, Sarkisian will just be getting out of rehab!
You can get fired for coming to work drunk.
Oddly enough, being an asshole and being constantly drunk tend to go hand-in-hand.
At 11 o’clock in the morning?