Cave Johnson

It's not a vacuum. It's a positive pressure cuff that is applied at the base of the head and chin. The video for the cork does a better job of illustrating the process than the video for the device.

Dude, I was already old in the '70s. I rise to commend the Polk 10a Monitor, the best speaker for the money of that era. I have a pair now, backed by a Carver amp; they still sound wonderful.

This also works for getting the feathers off of your chicken if your chicken is dead.

Stereolithography =/= "nano"

Now playing

This video reminds me of the "Making of the Leica M9-P" video. No words, no human voices, just the exquisite sound of crafting. I don't really feel an obvious physical sensation of pleasure, but maybe my perception of it is subtler than most who do feel it.

So you're telling me a ping pong bat being swung at supersonic speeds onto a static ping pong ball will leave a hole on the bat?

He did after you didn't...

Heaven forbid someone should properly write a post, right, asshole?

I personally don't keep my penis in my pocket, but to each their own...

Are you really that lazy of a writer that you have a typo in your headline?

its = possessive. Proofreading skills.

I'm from the Netherlands where a large majority of people bike every day. I've never come across this level of snobbishness towards other people's choices in bikes. It seems it's very common here in the US though among the urban cyclists to obsess about all components of the bike.

That is all pointless. Engineer a lock that combines properties of different material types to bust angle grinders/snips/hammers and then worry about adding stupid electronics to it. A guy with an angle grinder turns the lock into a really high tech garbage an filler in 20 seconds.

Now, it would be *way* cooler if they had a rod that was shaped like a curve on the surface of a conic section, on an offset arm like this, and it went through a straight hole in the corresponding plate.

This just in; Casey Chan impressed by stupid shit

For fuck's sake Casey, did you not study geometry?

Also, look up "hyperbole" under "Gawker Media headlines".

PHQWISGEAYLNOFDXUKRCVJTZMB =abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Hey I can use big words too! I hate to burst your bubble (or dura.. there's one) but vacuum delivery has been used for decades, and in a far more aggressive manner than what is used here. Like for instance this picture here, where a vacuum is being directly applied on top of the posterior fontanel. If there was