Cave Johnson

This is an art piece I created. It’s art because I say it is. People see it on the shelf and assume it’s a strange bunch of stuff I left sitting there. It’s called, Garden Of Eden. The birch log represents a tree growing in the garden which is inhabited by the snake of temptation who offers, among other things,

You must share Michael Hession’s opinion on art, or you know nothing about it.

Neither does Lucas Blalock.

I fuck things up in Photoshop sometimes. Had no idea it was art. Check out this masterpiece.

Just another excuse for art using poor execution of traditional tools. I bet admirers of this so-called art consider bad movie CGI as masterpieces.

Remind me again when iOS got default encryption for all devices, and when Android is getting it?

Right? This is the key and I think this is the topic that should be discussed. It’s not hate, it’s not xenophobia, it’s actually reality. Germany cannot handle these people. These people already have land on this earth, let them fight for it. Instead they can’t manage it, they can’t stand up for it, for their own

so they are working with them to deny germans the freedom of speech?


Completely agree with you. Soundcloud’s heavy handed copyright enforcement ruined what made Soundcloud so great. Live sets? Mixes? Mash-Ups? Bootlegs? Not anymore....

Yes. But does it come in USB Type-C format?

I hope they've fixed the screen issue. 3:2 isn't square enough. You need a 1:1 ratio so it can be a square pixel.

Save the Earth by manufacturing less chairs! Our ergonomically-designed, carbon neutral, patent-pending Floor is a marvel of modern engineering. Not to mention the added safety afforded by the optional head-protector-and-item-holder (pictured above).

I know right? A post about the progressive evolution of technology on a technology site, how boring. It should have more gifs, or better yet, be a top ten list of outrageous crazyness that we'd never believe.

"...a Battery Backup Ring... and an External Storage Ring... and a Secondary Display Ring... and a Keyboard Ring... and a Mouse Ring... and a"

"Who are you?!?!?!?"

I think 'i' anything is as gimmicky as it gets. An "iMac"? Sounds like an egotistical piece of shit computer. An 'iPod'? Sound like something I'm supposed to sleep in! But hey, Apple defined the significance of 'i' not by a clever name (because I don't think it is), but by high quality products — suddenly this silly

The whole Casio G'zOne line (that's a great start right there). Like the 'Casio G'zOne Rock C731 for Verizon'

With all due respect to the HTC One (M7 GPE) and Xbox One that are both currently in my house, any gadget called One. I mean, there's been 14 different HTC One phones, and the Xbox One isn't the Xbox 1, it's the Xbox 3.

Well since they're not floating around in the ship when they're in space. I'm sure they have some kind of artificial gravity. And if you can magically make more gravity, I'm sure you can magically make less of it. 'Activate the accelerator compensator or something.'