Cave Johnson

Not-so-hidden subtext: Gizmodo only offers a lousy paycheck.

bob are you okay

I think the author was referring to the blades low resolution of 1600x900.

Thanks for this guide. I wish you had added one other category— low-end Windows laptops (sub $500). Good for students and older folks. Pros and gamers are all fine, but there's a lot of people out there who are put off by spending $1200+ on a laptop they'll use just for e-mail and the occasional web surf. 15"

I would be a complete klutz shifting with the wrong hand. Actually, I'd probably reach for the stick with my right hand out of habit and end up opening my door into oncoming traffic.

The structure is floating on a barge that's parked next to a hanger on Treasure Island [...]

France's decision was forced. After their redesign of the aircraft, they had a maiden flight from London to JFK unfortunately they had to turn around after an hour or so of flight. The day of that flight? 9/11.

What is intelligence though? Can it be broken down into the simple if statement? That is the question computer scientists are pursuing.

He's completely right. There is no intelligence in:

So.... this is what they call an apples to apples comparison?

Oooooooooooooo... kay... You know what? I think I left a cake on the kettle...

Couldn't agree more. Are you fucking stupid? Put your finger on the damn sensor and LEAVE IT THE FUCK there. I suppose this will be a shortcoming of Apple because they didn't create a scanner that compensated for STUPID. Fuck.

Dude... Take a breath, man. Your blood pressure must be somewhere in the realm of DEAR GOD over HOLY SHIT. Just calm down a bit. Maybe have a pot brownie.

Pics or it didn't happen.

That statement makes no sense.

You didn't confirm the new iPhone name, that will be 5S. You did confirm the 7 inch one though.