
If I may ask, what was so shocking about this?

This very morning, I was the offender and he was none the wiser. BOW BEFORE MY NINJA LADY FAP SKILLS

Unlike alarmist 24-hour cable news networks catering to the fearful geriatric set, a university is an academic environment where we discuss and debate a wide array of viewpoints.

the lead singer of Train [Ed. Note. Name????] is pouring over Polaroids...

I just read every word of Mariya's essay. Holy shit.

I went downstairs and informed my husband and his brother and showed them the cut strand. They both said that SIL "is immature and not let her get on your nerves".

Okay, I feel AWFUL about what happened to poor sweet Melinda BUT I would be remiss if I did not point this out:

Ohhh, yeah. I'd lay even odds it's gas. It's a VERY SPECIFIC sort of stabby pain, like you're getting pinched from the inside. Goes away as soon as you let 'er rip.

Also, my periods are totally normal. The only real side-effect is that when I have to fart RILL BAD my pelvis swells up with gaseous awfulness and it makes my Paragard, like, stick into my uterus a little. Like sometimes I feel the stab BEFORE I notice the gas and am like, "Oh, okay, I guess THIS is happeni—"


I have had my Paragard for NINE YEARS THIS MONTH. I got it from a nice woman at Planned Parenthood who said, "Cough," and then grabbed my cervix with a torture device called a tenaculum and then she shoved that copper-wrapped sperm-destroyer up in there and based on my screaming I think the girls in the waiting room

This almost convinces me that pandas deserve to survive.


I spent 200 hours deliberately not finishing my first DA:I playthrough because everything was so shiny and well-written and diverting that I didn't want it to end. My boyfriend must be at like 215 or something and still hasn't finished for the same reason. I mean, yeah, I've started my second playthrough, but you

I was thinking the same thing even as I posted it.


I can't fucking handle crying babies. Anywhere. In any situation.

I know babies are babies and they can't help it. I know the world is full of babies. I know parents have a need and a right to travel. I know it's temporary. I know I can do things to mitigate it. It's just a triggery thing for me. I'm hugely sensitive

#TeamParagard. Nine years in January and still goin' strong.

Things Oprah is afraid of: lions.
Things Oprah is not afraid of: bees.

Okay, but when are we going to talk about Robb Stark fencing with Xaro Xhoan Daxos??

I feel like the headline for this story should have been, "Chicks dumped by dumped chick."