
Has anyone met an old white dude that wears horizontally striped athletic polos that is a decent human being that has the best interest of his fellow-person in mind? Ever?

You are no longer invited to the family private call, Sid. 

I did not think there would be a day where I felt empathy for heavily right-wing (Laura excluded!) billionaire class sports owners. But I wish my family had the ability to communicate this clearly with each other and also that we had a billion dollars and a sports team. But honestly, what’s the news value of these

If you look in the lower left quadrant of the “outside wrigley” shot immediately following “the slide” (as I’m sure it is being called), there’s a pretty great imitation by the dad in the red shirt. Props to him for immediately recognizing greatness. Also. Baseball!

Can someone please photoshop this next to that one of Paul Ryan lifting weights? Thanks.

I thought the same thing. At best this is a young woman having a very bad night after making some stupid decisions. At worst, it is a young woman with a control problem who may need help. An arrest seems like more than appropriate punishment. Archiving this moment for internet eternity for a bunch of leering bros and

A few things I’ve seen (I’m doing this while on a call, so I’m sure I could go deeper if I had a minute).

So I only did criminal defense work for a few years. With some obvious exceptions inherent in any creative dramatization of real life stuff, I thought this was a fairly accurate portrayal of how folks wrongly (or rightly!) accused behave (which is to say, a whole bunch of different goofy ways).

Counterpoint: Adventurous kids, Heroic Mom

Read properly, the Giving Tree may instill enough guilt in your children early that they start saving...for your retirement. Also. Every American should read Shel Silverstein's play "The Devil and Billy Markham" before reading the Giving Tree so they have a better idea of where he is coming from.

Completely unrelated, Grumman used to make one of the best designed aluminum canoes out there. I believe they sold off that practice as canoes are not as lucrative a business as, oh, stealth bombers. All the same, beautifully designed.

Just being gracious hosts...