I’m pretty sure the worst day will be when he losses someone. This is just funny shit that he brought upon himself. He has no one else to blame. Well maybe Nicki for not writing his diss.
We move away from the vagina.
False balance. It’s how many people still ignore global warming. The media is so fucking stupid.
You sound like my Mexican mother.
Someone started their breakup story when I was high as a kite once.
You’re giving me too much credit! WE ALL know it.
OMG I want to sell a tea that makes your boobs grow called TITTEA
Black people follow white nonsense sometimes. See: Whoopi Goldberg, Michael Steele, Stacey Dash...
HAHAHAHAHA! I can’t stop laughing.
Even before they had the correct number of dead, police had already said they believed there was no motive. Even white killers have their privilege.