
Venturas, ranked:

If you “unwrap” the cylinder into a rectangular sheet, and imagine the string parting at the unwrapping edge, then the string diagonally “crosses” the sheet four times. These four diagonal crosses form the hypotenuses of triangles, the base of which we know is 4 cm. (the circumference of the cylinder), and the height

My 16-year-old sister looks a little bit older so she occasionally gets hit on by boys in their early 20s. At one point, this one sorry fellow tried to convince her that “age is just a number,” to which she quickly retorted, “a prison cell is just a room.”

Disagree. Lion's face is full on "GTFO I KILL YOU NOW!" There is 0% "friendly" going on here.

My favorite MJ competitive story was from one of Sam Smith’s books where the Heat were leading the Bulls late and started to trash talk Michael, who was having a going-through-the-motions kind of game. He then went on a one-man 8-0 run in the last two minutes (ending on what Smith called a “SO THERE” dunk) and after

What a fucking dork you are, man...Social Justice Avengers. Adjust your hat, neckbeard, and venture forth from thy parent's basement. Breath that fresh air. Take a hit from your asthma inhaler. Now relax because it's just a comic book.

Great piece, and only one small quibble. Rovell is not "harmless". His worldview is profoundly nihilistic and destructive, which itself isn't a problem, but becomes one when he incessantly peddles it to his x00,000 followers (he blocked me long ago, so I can't look up his stats). He's a sociopath with a large platform.

"they are the sons and daughters of Thomas Jefferson"

If anyone knows about getting 9 points on one drive, it's Jim Irsay.

If you are going to compile a list of people who committed major war crimes, in this case the murder of tens of thousands of civilians in order to instill terror in a population, Harris and LeMay should certainly be there.

Well you people have had years to run fiber to my apartment in Manhattan which is FEET away from an internet backbone (the building google bought to be exact).

Yes, I know I hate to be the guy who is all negative nancy about it but jeeeezeeeee

Man, this guy sure could use a Union right about now.

Even now, fans are very protective of Roddenberry's godlike status. When I had the audacity to suggest that Deep Space Nine was so good in part because it broke free of Roddenberry's utopianism, I really pissed some people off.

Personally, I think everyone should acknowledge that Nick Diaz is the Sports Guy Of The Year both for failing yet another drug test because he enjoys smoking weed and on principle.

"As a running back, it takes five offensive linemen, a tight end, a fullback and possibly two wide receivers, in order to make my job successful."