
“Robbery” is a bit strong. There’s no doubt Nashville got the better of the deal, but Montreal did still get a future HOF defender in return. If the relationship between Subban and management was truly at an impasse, with only a break fixing it, Montreal did about as well as they could’ve.

No, he owns the Wizards.

In the playoffs it just gets listed as a lower body injury.

If it was the regular season, they might call a machete to the groin, but they let that kind of stuff go in the playoffs.

Woohoo, my bag made it onto Lifehacker... and to answer Accii_Ebcidic’s question, that’s pretty empty, I’ve traveled with it weighing in at over 20kg’s but it’s never really been an issue, the bag is super comfy and weight is well distributed.



That story could be from last Saturday and I’d still believe it.

I wonder if falling a lot during his career led to CTE and depression.

At least now we can tell them apart.

And holy shit, that was terrific.

This is glorious.

How’d you guys figure out which one of you would be the straight man?

Also, is no one else concerned that this rally looked like something out of Deliverance?

+1 tear running down my cheek

They call them scalpers to honor them.

This is really fucked up, but hot damn.

I’ve always had a fantasy where they bring out the family and kids, and when they say turn around or Let’s welcome home Corporal Marine Todd, the family turns around overjoyed and then they wheel out a casket with the flag draped over it.

you’ve definitely struck a nerve for all us non-Hallmark daughters and sons- so thank you. As a survivor of a toxic mother I want to offer a way for people like me to take mother’s day and make it a day for us too- like Galentines- I go and visit a lovely lady at a care home who has early stage Alzheimer’s- it’s a

Actually the opposite! It means that they felt secure enough to explore the world. So good job :)