Recent Dragon Quest games don’t stay first person. VIII, IX, and VII RE all show characters on the battlefield and all that.
Recent Dragon Quest games don’t stay first person. VIII, IX, and VII RE all show characters on the battlefield and all that.
That’s literally all I watch on Hulu.
up providing you a surprise Proctology exam.
Then maybe don’t whine and say it’s only worth $20
The next time a vegan sees someone roll their eyes and inch away from them upon learning they are a vegan, they should know that it is Anthony’s fault.
inb4 ‘what’s a vita’
I perfer the beyond buger.
“You may have given birth to his children, but he discreetly paid for my abortion”
And the follow up to that, “You may be the secretary he’s sleeping with when he tells his first wife he’s working late, but I’m the head sister wife at his compound in Southern Utah.”
I’m looking forward to the follow up, “You may have worn the wedding dress, but I’m the secretary he’s sleeping with when he tells you he’s working late.”
Support mains are more important than dps mains. Yea, I said it.
Notice how that isn’t the perp’s h.s. or college grad photo? That’s only for white people.
BOO! Leave us normie!
Because white people want to make all the rules about what people can do and say of course silly.
The complete list of times when it’s appropriate for a white person to use the N-Word:
“If white people can’t use a word then nobody can.”
I live in America. America sucks if you’re not rich and white. It’s objective fact.
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.
“There is a difference between some indiscriminate women walking by with a low cut shirt or wearing swim wear while in public and actively consuming sexually suggestive material and focusing one’s attention on it.”
Hahahaha fuck xQc