You are definitely the most pathetic out of the three.
You are definitely the most pathetic out of the three.
Sounds like a game that’d be awesome for 7.99 on a phone but not so much 30 bucks on the Vita where the bar is much higher.
I don’t think it’s Scarlett herself, but rather others who may try to use her success as an example of “see? Women are treated fairly in games, so everything’s fine!”
Google is your friend. And she’s a he. Rejecting one’s penis and having everyone go along with your mental illness doesn’t change basic biology. Scarlet isn’t a heroine for feminism, but the latest attack on biological women who are now expected to go to the back of the culture bus as mentally ill men take their place…
A fair question since gaming has a disproportionately high number of trans players from what I’ve seen.
‘she’ has a penis.
She seems “female” in a sort of androgynous way so I have to ask....
I apologize. I decided to root for them this season and therefore doomed them...
I’m kind of mixed on this one. I’m a support main. I have 60+ hours on Ana and 50+ on Zenyatta. But because of Mercy’s ultimate change last time around, I felt forced to pick her quite a lot, especially if I was solo healing. And, let’s face it, in solo queue a lot of the time that is exactly what happens (and a good…
I remember all the shit Naya Rivera got for keying his car a few years back. And how she got labelled jealous, a diva, difficult, crazy, a bitch. And then when he got arrested the coverage was more like “Huh?” and “Wait and see, don’t judge yet.” Naya got more negative judgement.
I’ve played healers online in MMOs, RPGs, shooters, MOBAs, etc. for going on 20 years. Always impotent little rage monkeys screaming and crying for nerfs cause their big old sword/gun/penis’s work is being undone by the “healbitch”.
This has never really been about Mercy. It continues to be about violence and masculinity and men who feel emasculated when the violence they do is undone.
So, you don’t think that the fact that the black Oscar-winning actress is naturally less valued than the white Oscar-nominated one—especially when that win occurred in a category they were both nominated for, in the same year, for the same film—is an issue? Okay.
From a friend who is far more eloquent than I:
If he was simply wearing the costume, no. If he was doing blackface while wearing the costume? Hell yes.
Or maybe white people actually have a sense of humor
Why did the cover photo get changed out of curiosity?
You could listen to the whole podcast to hear me ask more about those sorts of things, or you could email me ( if you have evidence of “rampant corruption, bribes, and back room deals.” Or just complain here. Up to you!
“This used to be a god damn community of gamers, nerds, kids that got bullied, kids that got fucked with, kids that resorted to the gaming world because the real world was too fucking hard, too shitty, too lonely, too sad and depressing,”
“So hey, same problem, different group of people: People who are overweight and do cosplay that doesn’t fit their body. They get a lot of shit hurled at them as well, but I don’t see them starting a #29daysofbodycosplay?”