
Totally agree! Let’s hope that happens! They would make a great team politically...personalities might clash though.

My husband basically said the same thing. He thinks Hillary is too moderate. My response to him was, I don’t really think she’s as moderate as she comes across, but she has the experience to know how to pander to all audiences. She’s careful of coming across as “too” progressive. Bernie isn’t pandering, at least not

This is exactly my issue with her as well. I admire her in some ways but I am also cautious. I was irritated by her “I know what it’s like to have a sick baby at home when I am expected to be practicing law”—like, no. I get what you’re saying but also you had beaucoup bucks and could afford childcare. So it’s not

I’m conflicted. On the one hand, I think it kicks ASS that a woman (with much more experience and grace than Palin or Fiorina) is gunning for president. On the other, my politics align more with Bernie, and I think it’s amazing that an Independent is making such waves. I still don’t know which way I lean. I have to

Pay inequality doesn’t stop at the gender divide, sadly. I work among women and the women with kids/families make more for the same job title by $10-$20k, which is absolutely maddening. It’s frustrating to be a childless woman and not be considered “worth” the raise I’ve continually asked for. When I got married, my

I have never been friends with an ex. I go out of my way to avoid them AND their families because I just can’t. I am friends with a married couple who have a MUTUAL EX THAT THEY ARE BOTH STILL FRIENDS WITH and that astounds me! My husband is still friends with one ex and I hate it. But, he is best friends with her

I’m embarrassed by what adolescent-me found to be “good” entertainment. I liked this movie as a teenager. For comparison’s sake: I also liked Garden State. Yikes.

People can’t keep their traps shut. My mom had too much wine once and put my engagement ring down for being a ruby instead of a diamond. She made a cliche “he must not love you enough to buy you a diamond” kind of comment that really rubbed me the wrong way. We didn’t have a lot of money when we got engaged but that

Yes! Ruby in a halo! Mine is an emerald cut but same idea. :)

Seriously though. I HATE SUMMER and people think I’m the weird one. OH SORRY GUYS, SORRY THAT I DON’T WANT TO SMELL BAD AND SWEAT ALL OVER EVERYONE. I hate the heat, the humidity, I have been known to CANCEL PLANS over it. Oh you guys want to have a BBQ on a 97 degree day? Nope thanks I’ll be netflixing pantsless with

it’s a sick, sad world where this news surprises neither of us. just looking out for you boo!

Waxing just does not seem worth it to me.

Adultosaur. Were you aware there is a troll that stole your name? I saw a post and I was like, is adultosaur tripping? But no. Someone is trolling as you. (Or maybe the username is a coincidence and I’m paranoid on your behalf?)

Not to mention rape is much more about exerting power over a victim than the “fuckability” of said victim. You don’t have to be beautiful or even conventionally attractive to be a rape victim. Damon Wayans can fuck right off.

I don’t recall the *very first* email I ever sent, but I do remember being ages 8-12 in the late 90s subscribing to “Zines,” and I eventually wrote a beauty column for one (LOL x A MILLION I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU GUYS BUT FOR SOME REASON OTHER TWEENS TRUSTED ME). I also chatted with people and

Because Etsy, you guys. I’m getting married in a month and the amount of money I’ve dropped on Etsy in the past few weeks has been INsane. Most of the stuff I am purchasing, I could PROBABLY pull off DIY if I had 1) time and 2) patience. But because I lack both of those things, I’ve been clicking away on a bunch of

Absolutely! That is terrible! My mom was a server before I was born and she trained me to ALWAYS, ALWAYS ALWAYS tip at least 20%, and to ALWAYS give the benefit of the doubt to the waitstaff. I have never NOT tipped 20%, even when my food has been wrong, or the service was bad, or whatever reason you could possibly

Does anyone else feel obligated to make up the difference when you’re dining out with someone but you’re on separate checks — and the other person tips poorly? We just went to lunch the other day with friends and our table had two checks (one couple on each). I watched the other couple paying and they tipped 10%. I

What the what? The assumption I am under is that it is the bride’s duty to offer a gift to those who stand up in her wedding. That’s what I am doing - and I’m not expecting gifts in return. People are travelling to my wedding and it’s expensive and a huge hassle. My gift from them is that these people are COMING TO MY

This! We moved to a new area that has a pool, and I realized I 1) didn’t own a bathing suit and 2) had not appeared in public in a bathing suit in at least 5 years and 3) felt SUPER shame about my body. Then I decided, fuck it, I’m going to the pool. And I laid out in the sun and it was glorious. And nobody said a