
This! Any time I spend time with my girlfriends, they get all sorts of male attention (bartenders, servers, dudes that work at the gas station... any and all dudes!) and I am always baffled by this. When I’m alone I mind my own business and I don’t go out of my way to be super chatty, and this has done well for me

Ugh, I shamefully hail from this town. :( I moved here from another conservative suburban IL town thinking it would be more progressive here. Spoiler alert! It’s not.

I have been avoiding this story because I knew I was going to RAGEQUIT THE INTERNET when I finally read the details. I’m so angry at this motherfucker. What. The Fuck. Is wrong with people.

Preach. I ordered a slice of cherry pie once and accidentally got strawberry rhubarb. I was maybe 10. We ordered dessert to go, so I didn’t realize the mistake until it was too late. And I still remember that pie ruining my day almost two full decades later.

I looked into Moissanite too actually! And I totally agree about the ickiness factor. The reason I decided against moissy was because I knew my mother would disapprove. Isn’t that sick? I care way too much for her approval, that I decided I’d rather have a non-traditional gem that she would scoff it rather than a

Okay so anyone know what the BCBS IL coverage is supposed to be? Because lemme tell you, not only am I still paying $10 a pack for my Reclipsen (which is a generic Desogen), but also, I used to be able to get a 90-day supply at a reduced rate ($20 for 3 months) and now they won’t even allow that. I cannot fill a new

The Cosby Show had its hayday when I was a young child and I was inconsolably afraid of Cosby himself. Whenever the show was on, I’d run to another room. I think my parents thought “wow, our toddler is a racist” but I now attribute my irrational fear of him to me just being a really good judge of people and somehow

In my own anecdotal evidence, size 8 must be pretty damn average, because that’s my size and I can NEVER. FIND IT. IN STORES. Plenty of 0’s, 2’s, 4’s, 14’s, 16’s.... but 8? Nope, always sold out. Which is funny because this is true for all brands I’ve purchased, regardless of sizing differences.

In our case, we are doing a small domestic destination wedding (we’re from the Midwest and going to CA) and we invited my niece to be the flower girl and his nephew to be the ring bearer. My mom has VERY STRONG OPINIONS about everything wedding-related and was actually angry with us for inviting them. But what are we

The struggle is real. I always wanted to keep my name. I told my fiance that I’d just add his to mine, no hyphen. Now I’m like, BUT IT’S MY NAME. We’re moving and I’m already having to contact everywhere to change my address, and now in a few months I’ll have to contact them all again to change my name? Come on.

I am the same with money! Right now we are planning a wedding, honeymoon, in the middle of moving, and it’s summer so we have other people’s weddings to add to our expenses... and at this point, I’m like, “Fuck it, just buy those two $100 night stands, we already spent all this money so what’s another $100.” My

I totally understand where you’re coming from. When I first got engaged, I was like, BACKYARD BBQ FTW! And my mom was like, nope. I wanted to do something small and simple and my family basically shamed that right out of me, as if to say that something simple is somehow lesser than. I’ve learned that simple does not

I love these! I kind of consider my engagement story to be one of mutual proposing. We were both adamant about not being the “marrying type,” and strangely enough, finding someone with that similar view made me start to consider marrying him. It was early in our relationship, before we probably should have been making

Right?? It’s like, I know I’m completely missing the point, but her body! Does she work out 17 hours a day or is she just genetically blessed?

This. Absolutely. When I was growing up, all of our meals revolved around red meat. My mom had expensive taste, and she was the main cook in the family, so everything was burgers, steaks, stroganoff, ground beef... never chicken, turkey only on Thanksgiving, never a meatless dish. I’m thoroughly convinced that I went

Ugh this commercial. I’ve watched it many times in order to earn free coins in Plants v. Zombies 2.

I am embarrassingly excited about the Holly Madison book. I used to watch Girls Next Door in college when I was skipping class/procrastinating homework. I will not be shamed for devouring this book.

Oh god the tears. You didn’t get me with your story but then I read the comments and now I’m basically blubbering.

I feel like I should be annoyed by Miley but I kind of don’t hate her. Sometimes the things that come out of her mouth are actually eloquent. Good for her.

So you, like me, spend $$$$ on expensive, meaningless cat toys and accessories, but if your cat is anything like my cats, all they want are crumpled up receipts and cottonballs. I give up.